雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Born in Shanghai in 1931, Fan Ho first delved into photography at the age of 14, when his father gave him a Rolleiflex twin-lens camera. After moving to Hong Kong in 1949, he began taking photographs of the streets and alleys of old Central, and of other markets and street stalls in the Hong Kong of the time.

  2. Step into The Pottinger Hong Kong and be embraced by the sheer charm of old Hong Kong, with a modern luxury twist. Stay at The Pottinger HK, a boutique hotel standing at the gateway between historic landmarks and happening hotspots. Explore old and new Hong Kong today.

  3. 香港黃金海岸酒店幽雅靜謐,充滿濃郁的度假風情。. 酒店臨海而建 ,距中環僅30分鐘車程,25分鐘即抵尖沙咀。. 便捷的交通和怡人的氛圍,令香港 黃金海岸酒店成爲悠閒親子假期、戶外慶典及企業活動的首選之地。. 酒店455間客房與套房均坐擁迷人海景或翠綠 ...

  4. 酒店婚宴及慶祝活動 - 九龍尖沙咀婚禮及派對場地 | 皇家太平洋酒店. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. Start planning your event here. Please fill out the following information. All information required. Wedding. Meeting. Outside Catering. Celebration / Party. Expected Event Date. Expected No. of Guests. Contact Person. Mrs. Ms. Email Phone No. Preferred Time to Call.

  5. 皇家太平洋酒店. 皇家太平洋酒店位處五光十色的尖沙咀中心地帶,生活享受及娛樂設施一應俱全。. 鄰近著名旅遊景點、購物熱點、香港地標及隱世地道瑰寶,令客人的旅程永誌難忘。. 皇家太平洋酒店的673間雅致寬敞的客房及套房,分別坐落於呈獻維多利亞港 ...

  6. 皇家太平洋酒店設有 673 間寬敞舒適的客房及套房,坐擁維多利亞港的迷人景觀,房間設計時尚簡約,致力為房客提供舒適的住宿體驗。. 今天就預訂。.

  7. 餐厅亦可远眺港湾景致,让客人在悠闲的气氛下享受一顿美味丰膄的晚餐。. 折扣优惠:. 持美国运通、 中国银行 (香港)、大新银行、恒生银行、汇丰银行、东亚银行或渣打银行信用卡于星期一至五,签账可享堂食自选菜谱- 85折 (星期六、日、公众假期及其前夕 ...

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