雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  2. 透過資本投資者入境計劃(CIES),取得移居香港的機會。滙豐金融提供全方位投資移民支援服務,助您管理財富及投資各類獲投資資產,輕鬆投資移民香港。

  3. 積金局將會頒發證書予獲嘉的僱主,並將有關名單上載至積金局網站,以作公開表揚。 所有獲嘉的僱主,除可獲邀參加積金局舉辦的活動及獲取積金局最新資訊外,其公司/機構的網頁、宣傳品、廣告或活動上亦可展示「積金好僱主」的標誌直至2022 年9月30日。

  4. 常見問題. 提取強積金須知. 在您年滿65歲時,只需要填妥申索表格,即可以一筆過或以分期形式提取您的強積金累算權益。. 另外,您可在下列任何一種情況下提前提取您的強制性供款的累算權益。. 提前提取累算權益. 根據強積金法例,您只可在下列任何一種 ...

  5. 只需5年即可達至退休無憂. 此項延期年金計劃,可在您退休後提供穩定的每月收入來源,所繳付的保費亦可享扣稅優惠 [@taxdeduction]。. 「滙豐盈達延期年金計劃」由新造年金業務穩佔香港市場第一 [@no1annuityprovider]的滙豐保險承保,並獲保險業監管局(「保監局 ...

  6. An important and strong tradition within the Asian culture is passing on legacy and wealth to younger generation. Assets may cover a variety of categories, some of which cannot be easily divided among your heirs. When faced with a business and assets that cannot be divided, estate may not be fairly distributed to the successors.

  7. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.

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