雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The town of Choshi, Chiba, takes immense pride in three things: its long history, its soy sauce industry, and its many face cutout photo props. The town's website lists over 30 locations of illustrated photo props with the faces cut out, called kaohame paneru in Japanese. in Japanese.

  2. 2017年9月19日 · But now, a team of Japanese researchers at Waseda University, led by Dr. Ishikawa, has utilized artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning to create a program that automatically colorizes photographs. The task was accomplished through the deep learning and color matching of 2.3 million color photographs.

  3. 2018年3月6日 · A post shared by Kelsey (@kelseyy1213) on May 21, 2018 at 5:53am PDT. This colorful ferris wheel, snapped by Kelseyy1213, is located in Arakawa Amusement Park, which is a great spot for families with children. It's cheap to enter (only ¥200 for adults, ¥100 for children), it has lots of kid-friendly rides and it even has a petting zoo!

  4. 2018年3月2日 · There are many cool places to visit with fantastic photo opportunities in and around the Tokyo area.

  5. 2020年9月9日 · In 2019, German photographer Ronny Behnert traveled around Japan visiting various torii, the traditional Japanese gate commonly found at the entrance of Shinto shrines and used to symbolically demarcate the transition between our world and the sacred world of the gods.

  6. 長野縣大鹿村. 日本最美村落聯盟由北海道美瑛村、北海道赤井川村、山形縣大臧村,岐阜縣白川村、德島縣上盛村、熊本縣南小國町,以及長野縣大鹿村於2005年組織成立。. 在長野縣,已有7個村落加入這個聯盟,為目前日本數量第一高的縣市。. 人口僅有1,100人 ...

  7. 假設一位女性的20歲到40歲是在東京度過的,那這20年間,在她的人生裡,會漸變出怎樣的多彩軌跡呢?2016年底熱播的人氣日劇『東京女子圖鑑』所交出的答卷為,在時間這條軸線上,從戀愛、結婚、再到離婚,經歷過期許、失望和淡然。