雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 所有购物分期均需经你的信用卡发卡机构批准,对于花呗分期,需经蚂蚁服批准。 如果你选择的分期付款方案未获得信用卡发卡机构或蚂蚁服的批准,Apple 将不会被告知原因。

  2. 比较 iPad Air (第五代), 12.9 英寸 iPad Pro (第六代), iPad Air (第三代), 的分辨率、尺寸、重量、性能、电池续航力和存储特性。.

  3. Apple 今日成为迄今为止首家获得公众环境研究中心 (IPE) 绿色供应链 CITI 卓异品牌的企业。. 过去五年 Apple 一直稳居 IPE 企业信息公开指数 (CITI) 第一名,如今获得这一殊荣彰显了 Apple 对整个供应链的环境领导力。. 作为 CITI 卓异品牌,Apple 将继续保持卓越的供应 ...

  4. iPhone 8iPhone 8 Plus 的新款深空灰色、银色和金色外观以七层染色工艺打造而成,实现了精准的色调和理想的阻光度。. iPhone 8iPhone 8 Plus 都采用了精美的玻璃背板设计,用 iPhone 上迄今最坚固耐用的玻璃材料打造,提供三款全新外观:深空灰色、银色和金色 ...

  5. John Ternus is Apple’s senior vice president of Hardware Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. John leads all hardware engineering, including the teams behind iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods, and more. John joined Apple’s Product Design team in 2001 and has been a vice president of Hardware Engineering since 2013.

  6. Katherine Adams is Apple’s general counsel and senior vice president of Legal and Global Security, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Kate serves on the company’s executive team and oversees all legal matters, including corporate governance, intellectual property, litigation and securities compliance, global security and privacy.

  7. 如需了解更多免息分期付款信息,请点击 此处 。. 显示屏采用曲线优美的圆角设计,四个圆角位于一个标准矩形内。. 按照标准矩形测量时,屏幕的对角线长度是 6.06 英寸 (iPhone 14、iPhone 13)、6.12 英寸 (iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Pro)、6.68 英寸 (iPhone 14 Plus) 或 6.69 英寸 (iPhone ...

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