雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 若確認人未能完成交易,交易可能告吹,而轉讓人可能要提出法庭訴訟才能向確認人討回根據轉讓合約所支付的訂金及損失。. 5. 提議要求確認人簽立授權書,授權轉讓人在確認人未能完成交易時直接與業主完成購入物業。. <<上一頁. 下一頁>>. (11) Sub-sale and Sub ...

  2. Estate Agents Authority 地產代理監管局

  3. 但若代理人向每位主事人完全披露代理人在兩項委任之下的利益及他同時代表兩名主事人的事實,並取得每位主事人同意作雙邊代理,他仍然可以代表兩位主事人行事。. 所以,在物業買賣的過程中,若地產代理同時代表買賣雙方,代理必須向買賣雙方披露這 ...

  4. 1. 獲得酬金的權利. a. 根據普通法,代理人只可在代理協議條款的範圍內,就其作為代理人的服務收取酬金。. b. 若代理協議沒有訂明支付代理人酬金,而主事人與代理人就索取酬金的權利,或酬金的金額及支付方式產生爭議,法庭便需決定主事人與代理人的協議 ...

  5. www.eaa.org.hk › en-us › Information-Centre11. A little note on

    The Freshman Content Page A little note on co-owned properties There are generally two forms of co-ownership of properties: (1) joint tenancy; and (2) tenancy in common. The difference between the two involves the right of succession. Ms Choi's experience of

  6. 顧名思義. ABC IN ESTATE AGENCY. 「聯權共有」 與「分權共有」 T FOR TENANCY -“JOINT TENANCY” AND “TENANCY IN COMMON” 如果業主以聯權共有方式持有物業, 則臨時買賣協議、正式買賣協議、轉讓契或按揭等影響物業的所有文件,均須由. se, a formal agreement for sal. 所有聯權共有人簽署。 e other hand, in a tenancy in common, each owne. 19.

  7. The real question is whether the agent's action and services actually and directly bring about the contractual relation between the principal and the third party. The agent's action and services must not have been merely incidental.