雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 降膽固醇飲品 相關

  2. 星級用家韋家雄大讚【草姬活心丸】降三高指數效果好,驗身報告回復健康水平。成分天然,信心保證. 眾多用家真心推介 草姬活心丸【報告實証】2星期速降三高指數,三高指數回復健康,保心臟血管健康


  1. 本課程旨在為學生提供葡萄酒與飲品及飲食行業的專業知識和技能培訓,助他們晉身業內的輔助專業職位。 學生在學期間須進行實習和考取相關專業資格。

  2. 須修畢餐飲督導管理證書或酒店營運督導高級證書 - 餐飲服務單元

  3. IT Essentials - Health and Life Sciences. Semester 3: Exercise and Public Health Promotion. Research Method in Exercise, Nutrition and Public Health. Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Integrated Project. Professional Workplace Communication: Proposal and Report Writing. Semester 4: Elderly Exercise Prescription.

  4. 課程內容包括營養評估及治療、營養基因學、運動科學及營養、膳食餐單設計及健康餐服務管理、健康食品開發、公共衛生教育與推廣,以及中醫食療等。

  5. 全人發展 - 21 世紀工作才能. 第四學期:. 生物統計學入門. 營養商業營運及活動管理. 新興營養學及營養基因學. 社會及健康行為科學. 專題研習. 職業中文傳意:普通話報告與紀實文書. 專業職場英文傳意:推銷及游說簡報.

  6. Admission Member Institutions S6 Full time Degree Applied Science-Oriented Degree Programmes Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) Higher Diploma Diploma of Foundation Studies Diploma of Vocational Education Diploma

  7. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies, and one elective subject of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6