雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Lavishly decorated in auspicious red and gold with traditional motifs imported from China, Michelin-starred Shang Palace features a dedicated wine cellar and a 20-seat grand private dining room. The renowned restaurant serves a luxurious range of Cantonese specialities that evoke the grandeur of traditional China in an imperial setting.

  2. Relish Our Signature Dishes. At Summer Palace, traditional specialities are given new life, finding favour with every epicure. Tender pork brisket combines with the subtle aroma of preserved vegetables. Originated from the private recipe of Sir Shiu-kin Tang in the 1950s.

  3. 樓高 56 層的 港島香格里拉 在香港的中心地帶為賓客提供一處靜謐居停。. 標志性的城市天際線,維多利亞港海景及動感城市景觀皆是酒店内544間客房設計的靈感源泉。. 格調非凡的匠心設計融合了現代東方美學,務求為現代旅者提供極緻的住宿體驗。.

  4. 關於. 雲端中的雅致都市綠洲。. 樓高56層的港島香格里拉聳立於香港的心臟地帶,在繁華鬧市中提供靜謐一隅,並坐擁極具代表性的維多利亞港及太平山的迷人景致。. 544間寬敞客房及套房. 8間享負盛名的餐廳及酒吧. 步行兩分鐘即可到達太古廣場購物中心. 了解 ...

  5. 关于. 云端中的雅致都市绿洲。. 楼高56层的港岛香格里拉耸立于香港的心脏地带,在繁华闹市中提供静谧一隅,并坐拥极具代表性的维多利亚港及太平山的迷人景致。. 544间宽敞客房与套房. 8间获奖餐厅与酒吧. 步行两分钟即可到达太古广场购物中心. 了解更多 ...

  6. 高級粵菜. 米芝蓮星級香宮以紅色及帝皇金色傳統仿宋雕刻裝飾,並設有二十座位的主貴賓廳及專屬的酒窖,為饗客提供豪華典雅的用餐環境。. 香宮以道地廣東佳餚馳名中外,駐店品酒師及評茶員更可為賓客建議醇酒及香茗配搭佐膳。. 榮譽獎項. 香港及澳門米 ...

  7. 2024年4月10日 · Set right on the harbourfront with sweeping views of Hong Kong’s skyline, Dockyard is a new kind of restaurant that brings together an array of quick-service Asian-style eateries alongside a fully serviced bar – all within a sleek industrial-inspired setting. The world is truly at your fingertips at Dockyard.

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