雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本公司致力提供優質存倉服務及24小時閉路電視監控系統,為客戶解決儲存大量貨物帶來的空間問題並保障客戶財物之安全,希望客戶在節省租金的同時,並可享受更多生活空間。. 關於儲存倉服務:白石自助貨櫃倉佔地約30萬平方呎,提供超過500隻貨櫃予客戶租用 ...

  2. 儲存倉服務介紹 長期及短期存倉服務一律歡迎,十分適合傢俬存倉或傢俱存倉,尤其裝修傢俬存倉 貨櫃堅固安全,自鎖自存,存取方便 多部閉路電視24小時運作及保安人員駐守,確保自存倉安全 存倉服務不設最低消費,免登記費、入閘費 適合各行各業或私人租用(如裝修傢俬存倉或多餘傢俬存倉等)

  3. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › rental-guide⻑和管理有限公司

    首次進倉可由職員帶領到已租用之貨櫃倉位置 租戶需自行安排運輸進出貨物 租戶需自行上鎖及保管鑰匙. Tenants are led by staff to the rented Container Warehouse for the first entrance. Tenants are required to arrange for the transport of goods Tenants are required to lock & keep the key for the said ...

  4. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › regulationsOcean First Logistics Ltd

    There is forklift for hire and hand pallet truck for borrow in the venue. The forklift service is rented together with the driver, and the hand pallet truck is used by the tenant in the venue. In addition, the speed limit is 8km per hour, the tenants are required to comply. with the on-site traffic instructions.

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