雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Six things to know before buying a VHIS plan. #MedicalExpenses#MedicalInsurance#VHIS#HospitalInsurance. There is a wide variety of medical insurance products in Hong Kong with many similarities and differences, yet some VHIS plan features are not found in traditional plans. Learn more and be a smart consumer.

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  3. 汇丰新客户的常见问题. 汇丰是全球最大的银行及金融服务机构之一。. 我们的地方智慧源自庞大的环球网络,无论您来自哪里,我们都可以满足您各种银行及财务需要。. Q1 最近的汇丰银行理财易中心在哪里?. Q2 如何可以下载汇丰流动应用程式?. Q3 我可否透过 ...

  4. 5 min. The tax season is around the corner. What’s the best way to plan your post-retirement income and medical protection while enjoying tax savings? Look into QDAP and VHIS for solutions that may be right for you. Special offers. Apply online for HSBC VHIS Flexi Plan with the promo code "MEDI30" to enjoy 30% off first-year premium discount.

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  6. 3 min. To excel at anything, you need good health; so when it comes to healthcare, you shouldn’t settle for second best. Can you get one-stop protection and healthcare services too? Yes. Read on for the latest info. Special offers. Apply online for HSBC VHIS Flexi Plan with the promo code "MEDI30" to enjoy 30% off first-year premium discount.

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