雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年1月25日 · One year has passed since Japan confirmed the first coronavirus patient in the country, but new cases of infection are on the surge despite the government’s declaration of the second state of emergency over the pandemic.

  2. 2021年2月4日 · Japan Extends Coronavirus Emergency to March 7. NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPAN Updated February 4, 2021. Health Stay Home. www.youtube.com. The Japanese government has decided to extend its second state of emergency over the coronavirus by a month through March 7. The number of new cases of confirmed infections has been on the decline nationwide.

  3. 2020年2月28日 · Japan National Tourism Organization has a visitor hotline at 050-3816-2787 that accepts inquiries about coronavirus in English, Chinese and Korean.

  4. 2020年7月30日 · Saliva Testing for COVID at Japanese Airports. NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPAN Updated July 30, 2020. Airport Health Tokyo Chiba Kanto. www.youtube.com. The Japanese government will nearly double the capacity for coronavirus testing at international airports by introducing antigen examinations using saliva samples.

  5. 在日生活 日本文化. 肆虐全球的2019 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)在日本也備受關注,特別是東京感染新冠肺炎的人連日增加後,電視上新聞或政論節目隨時都在談論疫情發展。 記得上大學剛學日語的時候,日本老師講到一個詞,名叫「虎列刺(コレラ)」(即霍亂),當時真是談「虎」色變的感覺,令人印象深刻。 來到日本後發現,這個島國人口稠密,對於傳染病比較敏感,從幼兒園開始就教育小孩子勤洗手,回家第一件事要漱口。 開始以為只是一種良好的習慣,後來覺得其中可能還有其他原因。 查閱了一下資料,發現日本近代歷史上經歷的災難之中,就有極其嚴重的傳染病的事例,當時的報紙也和現在一樣,每天追踪報導,原來這是一種集體記憶。 據記載,最初霍亂流行是在1822年,源自印度的霍亂經中國傳入日本。

  6. 2018年1月29日 · What to Do When You're Sick in Japan. One of our favorite bloggers, Texan in Tokyo, and her husband Ryosuke posted a video about the terrible tragedy many of us fear—or worse still, have actually experienced—of getting sick while in a foreign country. Poor Grace ended up sick for a week with strep throat, and tells us all about her sickness ...

  7. 2020年6月22日 · The Japanese government on Friday launched an app that notifies users when they may have come into contact with someone infected with COVID-19. The smartphone app called COCOA records contact when someone else with the app installed stays within a distance of one meter (about 3.3 feet) for 15 minutes or more.