雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2014年7月24日 · 要知道在电影业界,京都曾是日本的好莱坞,1920年代到1960年代之间,京都的电影产业十分繁荣。而东映太秦电影村旨在通过复原江户时代街景,让人们有机会重新邂逅到往日的荣光,在影城内,你可以漫步在江户风情浓郁的街道上,也可以好好享受各种娱乐表演。

  2. 2016年8月12日 · Kinojo Castle (鬼ノ城) is located in Soja City, Okayama Prefecture. The name literally means "Demon Castle" or "Castle of a Demon." However, no clear historical records of the castle exist, and it was only discovered in 1971. It's now believed to be the oldest castle in Japan, possibly one of a dozen Korean-style mountain fortifications ...

  3. 為了不被敵方的間諜走自己流派的火藥製造技術,行為謹慎的伊賀流忍者們往往會在屋內設下重重陷阱,並巧妙地使用各種機關或道具來進行防禦。來到三重縣伊賀流忍者屋敷,會由一位女忍者帶領參觀屋敷內的各個角落,同時為你實際演示那些陷阱機關。

  4. 2016年5月1日 · Moroto Castle (Inzai City) Not much remains of Moroto Castle these days, but you can still visit what remains of the castle's moat and baileys in Inbanuma Park, a moderate 30-minute walk from Usui Castle below. 9. Usui Castle (Sakura City) Much like nearby Moroto, Usui Castle, which was founded in the 12th century, lies in ruin in a beautiful ...

  5. 2017年10月16日 · 点击主菜单可返回初始界面。. 在初始画面之前,会有一个声明弹出,换票和退票需缴纳手续费。. 而部分门票要求输入注册ID,黄色按钮为是,蓝色按钮为否。. 1. 2. 3. 便利店的自助购票机是非常便利的购票手段,通过它不仅可以买到体育赛事,音乐会和剧场的 ...

  6. 2017年11月1日 · List: Japan's 12 Original-Construction Castles. www.thekanert.com. While Japan is home to over 300 castles, there are only 12 that still retain their original castle keep. The other castles only claim original outlying buildings, often with a recently reconstructed keep, and many more are simply ruins.

  7. 2016年8月8日 · Horde of walking dead spotted shambling through Yoyogi Park. Ninja will murder you if you use your smartphone while walking, Japanese safety video warns. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.