雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月17日 · Takeshita- Street. Visit the Hachiko Statue: a brief history and where to find it. The New Harry Potter Attraction in Tokyo - Studio Tour Guide 2024. Kappabashi Kitchenware Town. Akihabara Electric Town. Shibuya Scramble Crossing: a must-see landmark in Tokyo. First Cabin Haneda Terminal 1. Odaiba Statue of Liberty.

  2. 在元宇宙與現實間探索東京. 透過敞篷巴士之旅發現東京新魅力. 反映時下潮流與促進文化交流的生活據點ーー東京「高架橋下設施」三選. 「HARAKADO」將於2024年4月17日開幕. 傳統與創意並存,四季暖心的日本國民料理ーー東京可品嘗「味噌湯」的新店舖. 懸疑 ...

  3. October October, the height of autumn, is one of the best times of year to visit Tokyo. From ongoing traditional festivals to art and cultural soirees to culinary-focused events celebrating the bounty of the season—the city's event card is full. November Visit November in Tokyo and shade yourself in hues of yellow, orange, red and golden brown.

    • Gundam Stands Guard Over Oceanside Entertainment and Shopping Facilities
    • Tokyo's Most Iconic Bridge
    • On and Around The Waterfront—Tokyo's Canals

    With all its technology centers, shopping malls and array of entertainment options, Odaiba may sound much like Shinjuku, Shibuya or any of Tokyo's other neon-lit core districts, but its singular seaside location gives it a much more relaxed holiday vibe. For shopping, choose from AQUA CiTY, DiverCity or Decks. Anime fans can find Odaiba's life-size...

    The Rainbow Bridge arches over Tokyo Bay, linking Odaiba with the rest of Tokyo. At night, the multicolored lights of the bridge set against the glowing Tokyo skyline look like something from the movie Blade Runner. View the bridge over a cocktail from a trendy bar or take a mini-cruise and dine on the water. You can also walk the bridge, but expec...

    Get a different panorama of the capital's many sites from the water. Head to the pier at Odaiba Marine Park and board one of the slick, glass-paned water buses that will ferry you over to Hinode Pier or to retro-chic Asakusa. From the water, you can take in Odaiba's architecturally intrepid statements of creative modernity. The Fuji TV Buildingis p...

  4. 2024年5月15日 · 日本可說是祭典文化盛行的國家。祭典在日文當中叫做「Matsuri」,旨在讚頌季節更迭、歷史事件或傳統文化。大部分的城市、小鎮及地區都有各自的祭典,有些甚至已有數百年的歷史。先不論您造訪東京的理由為何,若能在旅程中觀賞到祭典,甚至參與其中,想必會為您留下美好的回憶。

  5. 到了9 月,東京的夜晚開始變涼,氣溫也變得越來越舒適,但偶爾會有颱風來襲。大部分的啤酒花園都還在營業,適合到外面休閒放鬆。 10月 秋意正濃,是一年中最適合造訪東京的時期。從流傳至今的傳統祭典到藝術、文化及當季美食相關 ...

  6. 2024年2月20日 · 在JR車站的售票機可購買Suica ,購買金額內含500日圓押金,儲值後便能立即使用。基本上持Suica可搭乘東京及日本全國的鐵路,亦可使用於東京大多數的巴士、部分計程車、自動販賣機、投幣式置物櫃、便利商店及其他商店。在旅程的最後退還卡片,即可取回押金。