雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月5日 · The things you need to provide in order to open an account will vary slightly depending on which bank you choose, but generally speaking, foreign residents are expected to show the following: • Passport. • Residence card. • A Japanese address and phone number.

  2. 豐平川 2022年6月17日 更新. 購物 假日購物 在日生活. 刷卡購物時不用找零,結賬方便,顯得非常瀟灑幹練。 處於全球化經濟蓬髮,旅遊購物熱情高漲的年代,每個月不刷爆幾張信用卡,怎能滿足各位購物狂魔的美名。 在日本,很多人在刷卡時常會被問及「一括払いで宜しいでしょうか(一次還清可以嗎? )」。 像筆者這樣經常刷爆卡,而且每個月都被信用卡公司拿著斧子砍刀追債的人來說,應該比較有資本和大家聊聊在日本信用卡的幾種還款方式咯。 由於日本的信用卡還款形式多多,可要當心不要一腳踩入還款黑洞哦。 一括払い(一次還款) 一次還清,可以說是在日本使用信用卡時最常見的還款方式了。 顧名思義,當次消費在還款時一次還清。 溫馨提示,由於血債血還,大家在購物大出血時,請審慎而行。

  3. 2020年1月22日 · All About Japanese Currency. Bua Loy Updated January 22, 2020. Shopping Information First Time in Japan Japan Guides. pixta.jp. Yen ( 円, ¥) is the legal tender in Japan, and was adopted by the Meiji government as part of the “New Currency Act” in 1871.

  4. 2019年4月10日 · Innovation. Hot Concepts. Show Us the Money: Japan's Currency Redesign. AAJ Editorial Team Updated April 10, 2019. Information Life in Japan. www.mof.go.jp. Japan may have a global image as an ultra-advanced mecca of technology, but they're surprisingly analog in some ways—like the way they do most of their daily transactions in cash!

  5. 2017年1月26日 · 10 Japanese Business Etiquette Rules. SoraNews24 Updated January 26, 2017. Business First Time in Japan Deeper Japan Life in Japan. kaigai-matome.net. There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1.

  6. 2017年12月4日 · Lawson has partnered with 80 financial institutions in Japan, and as of 2015, China UnionPay cards are accepted as well. You can see a full list of the bank cards accepted here (Japanese), and a quick summary of how to use the machines can be found here .

  7. 2021年4月15日 · China and Japan share many similar cultural roots and traditions. The Tanabata or Star Festival in Japan actually originates from a Chinese legend of star-crossed lovers. The Dragon Boat Festival in China is also similar to the Tango Festival in Japan. It is

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