雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 捐血者有禮:全新捐血車紀念章. 2023年6月15日. 解除對變種克雅二氏症潛在風險的相關暫緩捐血指引. 2022年12月20日. 2022 年度周年捐血者嘉許活動. 2022年6月10日. 灣仔捐血站重投服務. 2022年4月8日. 修訂預防變種克雅二氏症﹙瘋牛症﹚及瘧疾之捐血者篩選指引.

  2. 2021年12月16日 · 2023-06-15. Lifts deferral for potential exposure to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. 2022-12-20. 2022 Annual Donor Award. 2022-06-10. Wan Chai Donor Center Service Resumed. 2022-04-08. Updates on blood donor screening policy on Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad-cow Disease) and Malaria. 2020-09-14.

  3. 旺角捐血站. 地址. 旺角彌敦道580號A周大福商業中心15樓 (港鐵油麻地站 A2 出口 或 港鐵旺角站 E2 出口) 開放時間. 11:00 am 至 7:00 pm. 電話. 27705930. 前往方法: 從登打士街入口進入「潮流特區」商場,乘電梯上15 字樓 任何更改不作另行通知,詳情可查詢本會捐血諮詢 ...

  4. 流動應用程式-HK Blood 簡介 流動應用程式 「HK Blood 」 預約捐血常見問題 預約捐贈成分血教學

  5. The most common method is collecting the blood from the donor's vein into a container. The amount of blood drawn varies from 200 millilitres to 550 millilitres depending on the country, but 450 millilitres is typical. The blood is usually stored in a flexible plastic, , .

  6. 4.1.1. Minimum requirements for venepuncture for blood donation. The relevant guidance given in Chapter 2 on planning, location and infection prevention and control practices should be followed, as should the guidance in Chapter 3 on closed systems. Additional requirements for a collection system for blood donation are listed below. Equipment: –.

    • 2010
  7. The vein is pierced during blood donation, causing some blood to leak into the surrounding tissue. The donor is more likely to develop a bruise if the venepuncture procedure was more difficult than usual. There are tiny fragile blood vessels running just under the skin, as well as the larger veins from which the blood donation is obtained.