雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Centre for Orthopaedic Surgery. Tel: 2523 2330. 地址: 香港中環夏愨道12號美國銀行中心1118室. Room 1118, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong. 服務範圍: Orthopaedic Consultation. Physiotherapy.

  2. Dr. Wong Wai Kwong, Jack黃偉光醫生. MBBS (HK), FRCS (Edin), FHKCOS, FHKAM (Orthopaedic Surgery)

  3. 09:00 – 18:00. Saturday:. 09:00 – 13:00. By Appointment Only. osteoporosis, orthopaedic surgery, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture, calcium, vitamin D, orthopaedic surgeons, hong kong, hip fracture, 骨質疏鬆, 骨科, 關節炎, 退行性骨節炎, 類風濕關節炎, 骨折, 鈣質, 維生素 D, 維他命 D ...

  4. Orthopedics. Orthopedics and Traumatology. HKAH provides expert orthopedic and traumatology services or surgery plans for comprehensive treatment and recovery in Hong Kong.

  5. The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons 主頁 關於我們 創傷及疾病種類 綜論 頸部及脊椎 肩膀及手臂 手, 腕及肘部 髖關節 膝部及腿部 足踝及腳 小兒骨科 香港骨科專科簡介 傳媒專訪 聯絡我們 ...

  6. The Centre has orthopaedic specialists who are leading experts in such fields as tumour management, hand, upper limb and microsurgery, sports medicine, joint replacement and spine. The Centre also works with other departments of the Hospital to bring the

  7. Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic provides in-depth and comprehensive management for all types of bone and joint problems including sports injury, bone fractures, joint disorders, degenerative conditions, spinal disorders, musculoskeletal tumours, paediatric