雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Contractors' All Risks insurance protects your construction projects with comprehensive cover, covers third party liability to any other person or damage to property caused by an accident, and all costs and expenses incurred for defending claims against you.

  2. 主頁. 中小型企業. 裝修工程保險計劃. 蘇黎世工程保險計劃為您所實施的各類工程提供保障。 此計劃保障您因進行工程期間可能面對的財物損失,甚至引致對第三者之責任損失,照顧您的需要。 請蘇黎世聯絡我. 計劃特點. 下載. 本宣傳資料只供參考之用,並不構成保險合約的一部分。 有關此項保障計劃的內容細則及不承保事項將詳細列於保單之內,如有任何差異,均以保單內之條款細則為準。 如中文譯本與英文有任何歧異,均以英文本為準。 蘇黎世保險有限公司對所有事項保留最終批核及決定權。 只需填寫以下表格,我們將在2個工作日內與您聯繫。 (* 必須填寫) 產品 * 主要聯絡電話 * 備用聯絡電話. 電郵地址 * 收集個人資料聲明. 我已閱讀及同意 。 保安驗證. 遞交.

  3. Zurich’s Contractors’ All Risks Insurance Plan offers a comprehensive protection against risks associated with interior decoration, minimizing your hassle during the renovation period by protecting you from the event of accidental damage to or loss of property, and also your liability to third party during the period.

  4. Zurichs ContractorsAll Risks Insurance Plan offers a protection against risks associated with various types of contract works, minimizing your hassle by protecting you from the event of accidental damage to or loss of property, and also your liability to third party during the contract period.

  5. 工程保險 | Contractor All Risks - 卓昇保險代理有限公司. 簡介. 索取詳細報價. 工程綜合保險是承保施工之工程在工程期間內所面臨之各種意外事故的風險,更可附加第三者責任保險,保障投保人因疏忽或錯誤而導致第三者的身體或財物損失之法律責任賠償。 此外,更可附加勞工保險,保障僱員在施工期間因工作導致受傷、身體部份或全部永久喪失工作能力或死亡而產生之醫療費用、殮葬費用等。

  6. Protections for Finished Works, Raw Materials and Third Party Liability. Contractors' All Risks Insurance has two sections: The first section covers accidental damage to the contracted projects, including finished works and works-in-progress, and the raw materials for those projects.

  7. www.msig.com.hk › commercial-insurance › contractors-all-risks建築全險 | 工程保險 | MSIG


  8. 萬一室內裝修施工期間發生意外,輕則造成工程物料的損毀,例如裝飾物料、地板、牆紙、潔具等,重則引起第三者責任的高昂賠償費,要應付額外支出,是否在您的財政預算範圍內?要避免意外帶來的經濟負擔,在施工之前,記得確保裝修工程保險已安排妥當 ...

  9. 2023年9月29日 · Contractors' all risks (CAR) insurance is a non-standard insurance policy that provides coverage for property damage and third-party injury or damage claims, the two primary types of risks on ...

  10. Identify and prioritise risk areas for your construction business and projects, and boost resilience with Marsh’s contractors all risk insurance and customised risk transfer solutions — including liability coverage and surety bonds.

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