雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Butter Cookies, Shop 007, LG1, 88 Queensway, Pacific Place, Hong Kong, www.butterbutterbutter.com.hk ITS CAKE O CLOCK Affordable Classic And Innovative Cookie Flavors

    • Little Steps

      Little Steps Asia gives you the scoop on all the things ...

  2. Hand-packed in its signature tins with charming teddy bear designs, these cookies are made fresh daily in Hong Kong. Many of the processes are hand-made to ensure the authentic taste that has made Jenny Bakery a household name.

  3. Welcome to the Jenny Bakery store in Hong Kong, where you’ll experience the ultimate butter cookie heaven! Our stores are located in the heart of Hong Kong, surrounded by vibrant streets and a bustling cityscape that perfectly complements the unique taste of our cookies.

  4. RVC Enterprises Limited為 Mrs. Fields Cookies的香港獨家代理商,門市分佈於港鐵沿線地區,位置方便。 近40年來每天焗製曲奇、鬆餅及各款烘焙產品,令客人可隨時品嘗到高品質、新鮮美味的產品。 此外RVC亦於世界各地搜羅各款禮品包裝,款式多樣,配上新鮮焗製的曲奇,無論是喜慶節日、重要日子向家人朋友傳達心意,或是日常向客戶、員工、合作夥伴表達致謝或獎賞,均是一個絕佳選擇。 送禮佳品. 浪漫婚嫁. 季節限定. 企業禮品. 各款禮券. 分店地址. 訂購產品. 聯絡我們.

  5. Welcome to the Jenny Bakery store in Hong Kong, where you’ll experience the ultimate butter cookie heaven! Our stores are located in the heart of Hong Kong, surrounded by vibrant streets and a bustling cityscape that perfectly complements the unique taste of our cookies.

  6. 2022年4月24日 · Pin 是人氣手工蛋糕專門店 Oookie Cookie 的姊妹店,實體店設於銅鑼灣利園,主打八款具香港特色的口味,包括紅棗曲奇、杏脯迷迭香曲奇、香辣蝦米曲奇、陳皮子薑曲奇、花旗參提子曲奇、葱油雞曲奇、XO 醬曲奇和七味粉曲奇。 店主對曲奇餅要求嚴格,選用上乘的紅棗、花旗參、杏脯等為原料,絕無添加色素或防腐劑,件件獨立包裝,香港製造。 喜歡重口味的話,必試香辣蝦米曲奇及葱油雞曲奇,一試難忘。 查看更多. 網上訂購. Photograph: Courtesy Cookie DPT. Cookie DPT. 要數香港人氣曲奇餅,不得不提 Cookie DPT,拳頭般的大小充滿份量,外脆內軟得來煙煙韌韌,而且帶有濃濃的牛油香。

  7. 在品嚐了無數美味的曲奇後我們發現了香港最好的新手工曲奇餅店

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