雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 炎炎夏日總是讓人煩躁得想找各種方法消暑,「吃冰」可稱是最受大家喜愛的好方法。經典的巧克力冰淇淋是否是你的最愛呢?如果是的話趕快隨著東京巧克力冰淇淋地圖,在知名的巧克力專賣店中尋覓不可錯過的巧克力霜淇淋吧!

  2. フレグランスモイストボディジェラート2017 (マリアリゲル)/120g・1400円. /Fragrance Moist Body Gelato2017 (Maria Regale) 這款主打了-22清涼體驗,也是這幾款裡面最冷的@@,而特殊質地拿去冷凍也不會結冰,所以才能提供-22的清涼體驗。. 使用後帶有茉莉花、梨子以及 ...

  3. 2016年7月6日 · If you find yourself needing a pick-me-up, yet still wanting to take in the views of Kyoto, stop by this Starbucks café! During the warmer part of the year, riverside restaurants in Kyoto seat customers on what’s called a noryoyuka.Literally meaning “cooling floor,” noryoyuka are wooden platforms built out over the water, with a refreshing water-cooled breeze coming up from below.

  4. 台灣有水果王國之稱,芒果、香蕉、鳳梨、蓮霧、芭樂、釋迦,香味十足、垂涎欲滴又多汁。但你知道嗎?日本也有ㄧ個水果王國,在距離東京搭乘新幹線只需1.5小時的山梨縣。山梨縣從江戶時代就有所謂的「甲斐八珍果」—葡萄、梨子、水蜜桃、柿子、栗子、蘋果、石榴、核桃。

  5. 2018年8月17日 · If you don't want to mess around with spoons, a bar version is also available. Treat yourself to this only-in-Japan frozen sweet for just ¥172 (US$1.60). Beat the heat with these six only-in-Japan ice cream treats, all for under ¥200! These creamy concoctions, fruity popsicles and even bean-flavored bars will help you cool down like a local.

  6. 2017年6月30日 · Kit Kat may have had its humble beginnings in the United Kingdom, but here in Japan, it has truly flourished. You will find some unique flavors here, like these 10 very Japanese flavors that represent different regions of Japan. While some of these flavors are region ...

  7. 2018年10月20日 · Ice Monster is a kakigori store that migrated to Japan, and its main branch is in Taipei, Taiwan. The extremely popular store opened in Japan in 2015. What makes Ice Monster stand out from other kakigori joints is that they create their shaved ice from flavored ice, instead of pouring syrup or other toppings on top of pure shaved ice.

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