雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年4月14日 · 1. HYDROGEN WATER (jwater co., ltd.) 2. High concentration silica water (tentative) (jwater co., ltd.) 3. WATER DISPENSER (jwater co., ltd.) 4. Magstick neo (Kai Nagaishi) From tap water to hot spring water and water for sake, Japan takes its liquid resources pretty seriously. Find out why!

  2. 薄荷牛奶冰淇淋特有的涼爽清新,加上能增加口感的巧克力脆片,這樣的組合說不上創新,卻是日本單杯包裝冰淇淋的第一款清涼牛奶冰款呢!. 一杯150ml的大小剛剛好,如果還不夠清涼的話,也有巧克力薄荷冰棍可以選擇哦!. 售價:赤城 チョコミント カップ ...

  3. 2016年6月17日 · A carbon dioxide spring ( nisanka-tanso ensen) has at least 100 milligrams of carbonic acid per kilogram of spring water, resulting in a fine froth on the surface. While relatively rare in Japan, these springs are said to help with cuts, burns, arteriosclerosis and hypertension, as well as lowering blood pressure as your blood vessels expand.

  4. 2016年9月21日 · Besides having plenty of vitamins and minerals, kombu water also has dietary fiber, which helps your intestines and improves blood circulation. You can even rely on it to help you detox, give you beautiful skin and prevent blood clots. Kombu has huge amounts of iodine, which Westerners tend to lack, with 12,000 micrograms found in every 5 grams of kombu.

  5. 2018年2月1日 · If you're looking for an economical way to keep warm this winter season, you've got to get your hands on a Japanese hot water bottle, or yutampo. This Japanese "hottie" comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, and—because it's Japan—pairs well with either practical or adorable covers.

  6. 位於四國德島縣祖谷溪谷之中的「和の宿 ホテル祖谷温泉」溫泉旅館是經由日本秘湯協會認証過的成員之一,其著名的溫泉是在天然溪谷之中,需要搭乘纜車才能泡到的祕湯,地底自然湧出的微溫弱鹼性硫磺泉質對於養顏美容和糖尿病、皮膚病以及神經痛有很好 ...

  7. 2018年8月24日 · Tensyo-no-Yu. At this public bath-style onsen, you can enjoy natural hot spring water originating from 1,000 meters (3,281 ft) underground. Rich in sodium ad calcium ions, the water here is popularly known as “water for beauties.”. There are open-air baths and a sauna as well. Properly pronounced "Tensho."

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