雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [ˈempərə(r)]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 皇帝
  2. 英皇院線以優越的禮賓服務;專業的影音設備及精緻的美酒佳餚,為每間戲院注入精彩個性。英皇院線於各區陸續開設新戲院,設the CORONET貴賓影院;更積極推行電子化,提供網上訂票免手續費優惠及電子戲票入場等便捷服務;VIP會籍更為觀眾帶來更多購票優惠及獎賞計劃。

  3. He'd dressed himself up as a Roman emperor for the fancy-dress party. This type of porcelain was made specifically for the Chinese emperor and the imperial household. Hirohito was Emperor of Japan from 1926 until his death in 1989. The Pope granted title .

  4. He'd dressed himself up as a Roman emperor for the fancy-dress party. This type of porcelain was made specifically for the Chinese emperor and the imperial household. Hirohito was Emperor of Japan from 1926 until his death in 1989. The Pope granted title .

  5. 如您繼續瀏覽我們的網站,即代表您同意我們的私隱政策、條款及細則,以及Cookies政策 。. 英皇集團成立於1942年,源於鐘錶零售業務,其後不斷擴展,至今成為業務多元化的綜合企業集團,經營範圍包括地產、金融、鐘錶珠寶、娛樂文化、酒店、數碼媒體和 ...

  6. 「皇帝」本為漢語中專制王朝君主的稱號,是由秦始皇所創造(德高三皇,功蓋五帝),近代用來對譯歐洲語言中「Emperor」、「Caesar」一類來自羅馬皇帝稱號的詞,以及歷史上的領土大國,多民族大國或殖民帝國統治者。

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › EmperorEmperor - Wikipedia

    t. e. Gaius Octavianus Caesar "Augustus", or simply Augustus, was the first emperor of the Roman Empire, reigning from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. The word emperor (from Latin: imperator, via Old French: empereor) [1] can mean the male ruler of an empire.

  8. “皇帝”本为汉语中专制王朝君主的称号,是由秦始皇所创造(德高三皇,功盖五帝),近代用来对译欧洲语言中“Emperor”、“Caesar”一类来自罗马皇帝称号的词,以及历史上的领土大国,多民族大国或殖民帝国统治者。

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