雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Environmental, Social and Governance Reports. As Hong Kong's leading domestic bank, we are dedicated to be a good corporate citizen through social investing and ensuring corporate sustainability. Read our ESG reports for details. Click here for the latest ESG report and Corporate Sustainability Report of previous years.

  2. Step 1. Board and ESG working group. Step 2. Understanding the requirements of the Guide. Step 3. Reporting boundary. Step 4. Materiality assessment. Step 5 . Target setting. Step 6. Writing the ESG report. ESG reporting flowchart. Materiality table – by industry and aspect. Appendices (hyperlink only) Appendix 1: Toolkit.

  3. 2024年1月26日 · ESG reporting is the disclosure of information about business operations in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas of the business. The goal of ESG reporting is to use data to measure how a company’s ESG initiatives compare with industry benchmarks and targets.

  4. 2019年12月,香港聯交所宣佈提高ESG報告的要求。 自2020年7月1日或之後開始的財政年度起,香港上市公司須在 ESG報告中披露更多信息,刊發報告的時限也縮短為其財政年度結束後五個月內。 公司董事會預期在管理ESG事宜上發揮更大作用,公司亦需要在如何識別、評估和管理重大ESG事宜以及董事會如何監督和檢討相關事宜上提高透明度。 這意味着公司應建立正式的ESG管理架構和機制,將ESG元素納入現有風險管理和運營框架,並建立適當的內部控制和監察系統,使董事會能充分履行職責。 儘管這些改變可能需要付出巨大努力,但對於董事會而言,可以借此良機重新審視ESG對企業的意義,而且通過這種合規措施,他們不僅可以了解公司的主要風險,還可以探討為公司增值的機會。

  5. 2023年6月19日 · 香港交易所環境社會及管治報告指引根據香港交易所環境社會及管治報告指引》,可持續發展報告應涵蓋以下基本領域: 當你選定報告標準後,接下來便需要按標準量度公司表現及收集數據,當中將牽涉優先事項評估。 除了要獲取高級管理層的同意,亦需公司內部和外部持份者一同參與,就可持續發展對企業的意義和價值達成共識。 這有助確保報告的ESG關鍵績效指標能有效反映業務目標和風險因素,更可配合業務策略和提升與目標持份者的溝通。 從能源消耗、水消耗及廢物管理等環境範疇,以至僱員流失、健康與安全及發展和培訓機會等社會範疇,都需要制定明確且可量度的關鍵績效指標。 相關指標應反映你的ESG優先事項,並將成為你與持份者匯報ESG進度時的重要一環。 2. ESG報告編備過程.

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  7. An ESG report is a report published by a company or organization about environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts. It enables the company to be more transparent about the risks and opportunities it faces. It is a communication tool that plays an important role in convincing sceptical observers that the company’s actions are sincere.

  8. We’re driving measurable progress towards sustainable and inclusive growth in the societies where we operate. Our 2023 ESG report details how we are making an impact through our client work, insights, actions, and giving.

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