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  2. ess.vtc.edu.hkSign In

    安全登入服務. Please logon by your CNA email address and Password. 請輸入你的 CNA 電郵地址及密碼登入. Sign in. Forgot your password? Change password. Please contact ITSD Helpdesk (Email: itsd-helpdesk@vtc.edu.hk) if you have any further questions.

  3. 2022年5月31日 · 政府今日(五月三十一日)在「2022保就業」網站( www.ess.gov.hk )公布首批已領取工資補貼的僱主資料,包括其名稱、核心業務、五月工資補貼金額及承諾聘用的僱員人數。. 政府會在批核更多申請後持續更新名單及相關資料。. 政府發言人表示:「『2022保就業 ...

  4. ESS is an internet-based system which enables listed issuers to submit documents to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong for publication on the HKEXnews website.

  5. 2024年5月10日 · Launched in 2015, ESS aims to provide funding support for local companies to conduct in-house research and development (R&D) work with a view to encouraging the private sector to invest in R&D.

  6. 2022年5月10日 · The Government will notify the first batch of around 45 000 employers of their successful applications for the 2022 Employment Support Scheme (2022 ESS) starting from today (May 10). Applicants can log in to the 2022 ESS website to check the amount of wage subsidy granted and the committed employee headcount during the subsidy period.

  7. www.hrone.com.hk › Wunsche › HROneESSWelcome to HROne

    ESS which is. A value-added employee self-service to HROne customers: to allow users to update personal information, apply leaves, print payslips and tax, rostering, attendance through this platform.

  8. ESS for self-employed persons. 「保就業」計劃涵蓋自僱人士. Self-employed persons (SEP) who have set up an active MPF account on or before March 31, 2020 (excluding backdating) and with that account remaining opened as of March 31, 2020 will be eligible 凡於2020年3月31日或之前已開立戶口(即不能將申請日期 追溯至該日或較早日子)而戶口於當日仍未取消的自僱人 士可合資格.

  9. 企業支援計劃 (ESS) 「企業支援計劃」於2015年推出,資助本地企業進行內部研究及發展 (研發)工作,旨在鼓勵私營機構在研發方面作出投資。 計劃特點. 有關資助將以一元對一元的等額出資方式批出。 每個獲批項目可獲最多1,000萬港元的資助。 項目為期一般不超過24個月。 獲款公司將擁有項目產生的知識產權。 不設收回政府資助的規定。 研發成果完成商品化後的利益分配規定並非強制性。 了解更多企業支援計劃 (ESS)

  10. Innovation and Technology Commission. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This Application Guide explains how the Application Form of the Enterprise Support Scheme (“ESS”) under the Innovation and Technology Fund (“ITF”) could be completed.

  11. 接收最新資訊. 職業訓練局 (VTC)是香港最具規模的職業專才教育機構。. 每年為約25萬名學生提供全面的職前和在職訓練,頒發國際認可的學歷資格。.

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