雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 立即預訂. FEASTFood by EAST如其名,讓東隅的住客歡聚一堂享用美食,連結彼此,無論你是來享受東西方自助餐,或是隨心選擇全天候菜單的料理,你和朋友都能在這裡得到滿足。 餐牌. 食物及飲品. 參看餐牌. 下午茶. 參看餐牌. 其他. 餐廳. MR & MRS FOX提供現代歐式風味美食,精緻的手調雞尾酒,輕鬆愉悅的用餐氣氛。 這裡是值得你與朋友常來的聚腳地。 查看詳情. Domain. DOMAIN咖啡廳提供新鮮烘焙的糕點,輕食,這裡同時也是一個開放的共享工作空間,讓本地居民,旅客以及酒店住客前來休閒小坐,享受創意活力的社區氛圍。 查看詳情. Sugar.

  2. True to its name, FEAST (Food by EAST) is a celebration of eating together and bonding over meals, whether you're here for our buffet of delicious Asian and Western dishes, or our casual all-day dining.

  3. FEAST (Food by EAST) 是一間充滿活力的全天候餐廳,提供新鮮精製的國際美食;美食包括多款沙律與前菜、壽司、海鮮及甜品,客人更可享受一系列西式及富亞洲風味的主菜;嶄新的多元化餐飲體驗必能滿足各種私人及企業聚會的需要。

  4. 通過 Klook 以優惠價預訂香港東隅 (EAST Hong Kong) FEAST 自助餐,享受多款國際佳餚和特色亞洲美饌!. FEAST 提供半自助午餐 Semi Lunch Buffet、自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet、週末自助早午餐 Weekend Brunch Buffet、節日自助餐(午餐、晚餐、下午茶),有多款沙律、冷盤、甜品及雪糕 ...

  5. 自助晚餐. * 以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情. 自助餐優惠. FEAST (Food By EAST) 的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 太古太古城道29號東隅1樓。.

  6. FEAST is the bustling eatery featuring international cuisine with fresh flavours. Guests can enjoy sushi, seafood, tandoori, gelato, and salad & antipasti counters, complete with an extensive selection of Asian and Western main courses brought to your table.

  7. FEAST FEAST (Food by EAST) is the bustling eatery featuring international cuisine with fresh flavours. Guests can enjoy an array of salads, antipasti, sushi, seafood and desserts from the counters , complete with an extensive selection of Asian and Western main courses brought to your table.

  8. 2023年10月22日 · Discover FEAST (Food by East), EAST Hong Kong's vibrant restaurant. Indulge in a diverse buffet selection offering fresh and flavorful international cuisine. Delight in a variety of salads, antipasti, sushi, seafood, and desserts, along with an extensive selection of Asian and Western main courses

  9. Purchase FEAST (Food by EAST)'s (EAST Hong Kong) buffet offer in Klook and enjoy amazing discounts!

  10. Feast (Food by EAST) 是位於東隅酒店 1 樓富有動感的全天候餐廳。 Feast 提供特色亞洲菜餚和精選國際美食,貫徹其「把簡單事情做好」的宗旨。 在餐廳內,您可以品嚐到多元化美食佳餚,由美味早午餐到休閒晚餐,應有盡有。