雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年4月17日 · When you cash out you get a tax-free allowance based on how long you paid in for, and decide whether you want an annuity (a set amount you receive each year) or prefer to do lump-sum withdrawals. You can read more about iDeCo here.

  2. 2019年3月18日 · Pensions in Japan can be confusing. Even for long-term residents, it’s hard to be sure who has to contribute, how much you have to pay, when you can receive benefits and how much you can get back if you leave Japan. We’ve prepared a basic pension guide to help you out!

  3. 2019年3月18日 · 2. Transport & Travel on a Shoestring. Depending on the duration of your stay and places you want to visit, you might want to consider getting the Japan Rail Pass, also known as JR Pass. This ticket basically allows you to ride most JR trains and buses in Japan (including bullet trains) for a set number of days.

  4. 2020年5月8日 · The government announced plans to offer a relief package of ¥100,000 to every individual in Japan, including foreign residents. Check out our brief guide on eligibility for the ¥100,000 COVID-19 fund and how to get it.

  5. 2019年7月5日 · If you’re planning to open an account in person and are not confident in your Japanese skills, you might find it helpful to bring along a native speaker or fluent friend who can help you. If you're moving to Japan for work—especially as an English teacher—it's not unusual for your employer to assist in setting up your account.

  6. 2017年4月10日 · A one-day pass is your no-fuss, value-for-money ticket for day touring Japan. Location-specific passes may be purchased in advance, or on the day, and they're guaranteed to save you lots of yen—which could be spent on some dessert or omiyage you encounter along the way. Here are our Top 5 day passes to help you save big!

  7. 2017年5月17日 · Construction began in 1620 under Ashina Yoshikatsu, whose design for the town featured a specially designated living area set aside for the samurai warrior caste. When the Yoshikatsu line died out in 1656, the area was given to Yoshichika of the Satake Clan, who saw out the plan to completion. As early as Yoshichika's son's time, it's said that ...