雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年6月17日 · 不管上个月或上上个月消费多少,每个月的还款限额是固定的。 这里所说的限额又有两种: 一是固定金额,不管消费多少,需要缴付的款项不会超过这个金额。比如你买了20万日元的电器,可以设定每个月只还2万的固定金额。 二是固定比率,每个月只还上个月或者上上个月消费金额的百分之多少。

  2. Emblazoned with a saluting Sailor Moon, the credit card also doubles as a T-Card, Japan’s most widely used rewards card. Originally a membership card for video rental chain Tsutaya, customers at various convenience stores, pharmacies, restaurants and gas stations in Japan can also accumulate points, or use them for discounts, when making ...

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  4. 2017年1月30日 · According to Line, "Line Pay is a payment service that allows you make purchases from Line Pay Merchants. You can also send money and split bills with your Line friends. You can make payments easily with your credit card without registering, and if you register for Line Cash (a Line Pay account), you can make payments with your balance, as well ...

  5. 2019年12月10日 · It’s also handy for folks with leftover coins visiting Japan, as you can always cash-in your foreign money for Japanese vouchers and services. The machine can recharge IC cards (like PASMO and SUICA), prepaid cash cards like nanaco, Rakuten Edy and WAON

  6. 出發前先在台灣註冊,選擇『Plan 0』方案,藉由瀏覽廣告或是填寫問券的方式來累積數據流量,抵達日本後到指定領取地點領取SIM卡插入自己的手機即可,不需要另外設定apn,換上即可開通使用。 即日起至2018年3月31日前介紹朋友使用,還可以得到100MB的高速網路傳輸量。 也可以加購高速網路傳輸流量或其他付費方案。 官網: https://docomo.prepaid-sim.jp/lp/index.html#top. 領取SIM卡地點一覽表: https://docomo.prepaid-sim.jp/sim/place. 產品規格:standard、micro、nano SIM卡. 免費SIM卡推薦2| WAmazing SIM.

  7. 2020年10月5日 · 5. Sign Up for Point Cards. While many expats are skeptical of point card systems, accumulating points is super easy, and will allow you a treat on the house once or so a month. Generally, every ¥100 you spend at a store gives you one point, which has a ¥1 value. While this may not sound like much, if your monthly shopping budget is ¥40,000 ...

  8. 2017年11月2日 · 使用的話必須要在4個小時前先下載WAmazing的專用APP,然後登入會員跟申請領取免費SIM卡,推薦大家在來日本前都先辦好申請手續唷! ★WAmazing的APP可由此下載 (目前只有台灣.香港地區可以下載): https://app.adjust.com/dumino. 領取時只要顯示APP裡提供的領取QR-code掃描碼,嗶一下機台就可以囉! 然後就像自動販賣機一樣按一下旁邊的按鈕東西就會掉下來了. 會從下面的領取口掉出來! 裡面附有一張SIM卡、SIM卡針,以及操作使用說明書。 除了有完整的繁體中文說明外,每個步驟更附有照片,相當簡單易懂。 成功連上網路!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7VKsYPLIQo.

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