雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · 1. 相亲. 和很多亚洲国家相同,通过媒人介绍的相亲是比较主流的交往起点。 日本的社会传统之一,便是当儿女到了适婚年龄,他们的父母 就会介绍朋友的子女互相认识然后再让他们自由发展恋爱关系。 到现在,就由牵线的中间人(日语里叫「 世话人 」)去介绍有意结婚的单身男女互相认识,相亲通常都是1对1,不会有第三者在场。 而不同于长辈介绍,中间人也可以是公司的同事或被介绍人共通的朋友。 2.「合婚」聚会. 比起传统形式的相亲,利用各种聚会与心仪的异性接触,在日本的年轻人当中似乎更为流行。 在日本,专门为单身男女互相认识而设置的聚会叫「合コン」(合婚)。 这种「合コン」文化,实际上还和另一种文化「饮み会」(饮酒会)直接相关,因为单身男女聚会的主题之一便是坐在一起喝东西。

  2. 與世界上大多數民族的特色服裝一樣,在男女的設計上分得相當清楚,在這一篇日本文化入門講座,便要深入淺出的告訴大家男女和服的差異之處。. 雖然不少外國遊客入駐溫泉旅館,或是觀覽京都,金澤這些古都時,都曾有過和服試穿拍照留念的在地體驗,但 ...

  3. 2017年10月16日 · Many in their twenties and thirties nowadays are using dating apps and websites to find love, especially as they are generally free of charge. Tinder and OkCupid work fine in Japan, plus some local ones like Pairs and Matchbook. Thanks to your smartphone, love is now only a few feet away. You can find just about anything in Japan, from dancing ...

  4. 2018年1月9日 · Here are 20 of the best date spots you can find in the city! 20. A luxurious date at The Cruise Club Tokyo. The Cruise Club Tokyo is located at the Bay of Tokyo, and is a place which offers fantastic view of the entire city. Landmarks such as the Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower can be viewed from The Cruise Club Tokyo.

  5. 2017年5月2日 · According to eagle-eyed viewers, there are 36 smooches in total throughout the almost four-minute clip, which averages out to one kiss every six seconds! Public displays of affection are pretty rare in Japan, even among many heterosexual couples. So this video seems to be an encouraging nod to same-sex relationships, even if tame by Western ...

  6. 2018年11月28日 · Thinking of proposing to your partner during your trip to Japan? These lesser-known spots in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima are perfect for popping that all-important question (without too many onlookers).

  7. 2023年5月17日 · 1. Pairs. iOS - Android. Pairs claims to be Japan’s #1 dating app for serious and casual romance, and boasts more than 13,000 “love connections” every month (whatever that means).