雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 一間企業如果有良好嘅管治,除咗要重視員工嘅待遇,仲會盡力保障股東嘅權益。作為投資者,股東權益當然同你嘅投資密不可分!安聯投資多年嚟都善用各企業股東大會嘅投票權,協助企業喺投資決策上更上一層樓。企業良好管治,令你嘅投資更穩健,所得無價!

  2. 2022年1月14日 · 每逢新年前後,都是本地樂壇分派成績表的時間,多個歌曲頒獎禮接連出籠,不知今年的得獎結果是否符合樂迷的心水呢?憑歌不但可以寄意,事實上投資者亦可趁機從中取經,學習投資之道,從而豐富我們的退休投資「Playlist」。

  3. The chart demonstrates an example of an investment of USD 10,000 in Allianz Income and Growth – Class AM (USD) Dis., which grew 123.68% since launch (16 October 2012) till 31 March 2024, with dividend re-invested. Chart 4 source from Allianz Global Investors and IDS GmbH, as at 31 March 2024. The above example is for illustrative purpose only.

  4. Pragmatism is the watchword as we look forward to the topics that may shape sustainable investing in the new year. Here are the five themes to watch. Discover more. Embracing Disruption. Disruption. Change multiplies opportunity. Disruption is all around us. From new technologies to shifting trade patterns, the status quo is being challenged.

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  6. hk.allianzgi.com › en › retirementInvestable themes

    Our investable themes – China, rates, sustainability and disruption – can guide you through a fundamentally different investment landscape.

  7. hk.allianzgi.com › en › insightsInvestable themes

    At the same time, new opportunities are arising and responding with conviction is vital. Our investable themes – rates, sustainability, disruption and infrastructure – represent important ways to understand and navigate some of the complex forces that drive returns. So you can cut through uncertainties and focus on the opportunities ahead.

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