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  1. Product Review. Update: not saying that the 16GB version isn’t good, but MOST standard users like normal people, students, and so on, will be more than perfectly fine with the 8GB version. If it can handle 20 apps open at the same time, it will probably do the same thing in a year or two!

  2. 2021年1月9日 · 找 Youtube 上已經有許多測試影片結論是Air + 8GB 就足夠,儘管 GPU 少一個核心,差異都不會太大,這個 C/P 高到不像話。除非你是重度的影像使用者。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP1_4wek4nI PS.

  3. 2023年11月28日 · 基本跑分差距. 如果我們單純看跑分,以 M3 版的 MacBook Pro 來說,8GB 的記憶體和 16GB 的記憶體在 Cinebench 的測試中有 11% 的差距。 網頁切換、多工處理速度. 在網頁切換的執行速度上當然也會有差,8GBMacBook Pro 比 16GB 記憶體的 MacBook Pro 分數少了將近 100 分,這對於很多喜歡同時開一大堆網頁的人來說,影響會比較明顯。 重負載 App 效能差異. 此外,在國外 YouTube 頻道 Max Tech 的測試中,如果用 M3 MacBook Pro 的 8GB 版本開啟 Blender(一款 3D 製作軟體),幾乎是不太能使用,會一直出現閃退的狀況。

  4. 2022年8月4日 · 和16GB內存的M1 MacBook Air相比價錢差不多到底哪一台更快呢上一期我們測試了理想狀況下兩台電腦的性能也就是在沒有任何後台程序的情況下測試的測試的結果很明顯了最低配的Macbook air除了沒有辦法剪輯8K視頻之外在其餘的所有程序中的表現都要大於...

    • 8 分鐘
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    • 彼得森
    • Important Note M1 8GB vs 16GB
    • Buying 16GB of Memory For Futureproofing
    • Macbook Air M1 8GB vs 16GB

    Expect both models to use a considerable amount of swap memory. More than a few of our users have seen up to 10GB swap memory used when multitasking. This brings up the question of how healthy is this for your SSD. To many this may seem like a backward step when upgrading from an older Mac, however, the M1 architecture has been constructed to take ...

    Usually over time programs evolve with more features and become more ram intensive. This is an inevitable part of a computer’s life cycle. However with these new M1 chips in the upcoming year, we will be seeing something which looks like the exact opposite. MacOS keeps getting new updateswhich helps performance. Also, since only a small percentage ...

    Even though both MacBook Air models aren’t that different, pushing them to their limits can help you decide which one of them can fit your needs best. So, without further ado, here is how the M1 8GB Air compares against its 16GB variant:

    • (612)
  5. 2021年3月12日 · The 8GB model reached 7582 points on multi-core compared to 7586 points of the 16GB. Meanwhile, in the single-core, the 8GB scored 1728 points compared to 1733 points for the 16GB. 16GB MacBook Air test result. So, despite the RAM difference, the results on both devices are basically the same here. Let’s move on to the next one! Overload Tests.

  6. 先说结论:最好是一步到位选择16G! 618活动直降700! 8799就可以买到16+256的,还可以叠加红包红包. 下面是M1MacBook Air真实使用体验,你所不知道优缺点! 今天来和大家聊聊我手上这台的MacBook AirM1)优缺点。 我用这台MacBook AirM1)作为主力机有接近半年了,之前我用的Intel版本的MacBook Pro和 黑苹果 台式机。 或许很多朋友都已经看过各种KOL的吹捧,M1的性能有多强。 但很少有人来说它的真实体验和缺点。 优点: 1、性能强劲!