雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 預訂行程兼用Pay with Points憑分消費享高達HK$1,020獎賞. %body%. 依家憑指定Citi信用卡簽賬滿指定金額,即可獨家享高達 HK$720 即時折扣, 用埋Pay with Points憑分消費抵銷簽賬,再賺高達 HK$300 禮券!. 即用KKday預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程 ...

  2. Citi PayAll. 經Citi PayAll 用信用卡繳交日常使費,賺信用卡積分/回贈之餘, 設定每月自動付款又唔驚遲交。 推廣期內,新用戶成功登記並於2024年6月內達到以下要求, 記住設置Citi PayAll交易時就可賺額外 HK$300回贈 ! 要選擇畀服務費就有得賺! 推廣期:2024年6月1日至30日(以付款到期日為準) 立即去Citi Mobile® App Get More登記! 備註. • 「新用戶」指於2021年12月1日至2024年5月31日期間從未透過Citi PayAll設置或完成任何費用付款之合資格客戶。

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  3. 簡化轉賬交易步驟. 一App喺手就可以隨時隨地轉賬同找卡數. 全面掌握財富狀況. 股票交易、實時外匯、投資基金,同您捉緊每個市場機遇. Citi Mobile® 流動保安編碼. 隨時隨地取得「一次性密碼」為交易作雙重認證.

  4. It includes those transactions made outside Hong Kong and settled in Hong Kong dollars with the single Net Transaction Amount of HK$500 or above via AlipayHK and WeChat Pay HK. Citibank reserves the right to amend Designated Digital Payments with any new digital payment platforms from time to time at its discretion without prior notice.

  5. Citi Pay with Points正式登陸KKday! %body%. 熱愛旅行嘅您,計劃行程一定識揀KKday!. 好消息!. Citi Pay with Points依家仲正式登陸KKday, 憑指定Citi信用卡喺香港KKday平台預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 都可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用 ...

  6. Each KKday account can enjoy the Promo Code up to three times (while the quota lasts) with Eligible Cards, amounting to a maximum of HK$720 instant discount, but subject to a total number of 2,000 quota available on a first-come-first-served basis while the quota lasts during the Promotion Period.

  7. Citi PayAll. With Citi PayAll, you can settle daily expenses and earn credit card points/ rebate with just a few taps! Plus, by setting up recurring payments, you don’t need to worry about late payments. New users can earn extra HK$300 rebate after registration and meeting the below requirements in June 2024!

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  3. 奧比斯是一間國際非牟利慈善機構,40 年來一直匯聚各界力量,領導全球共同對抗可避免的失明。 透過結合夥伴地區的力量,為當地的眼科醫療團隊提供指導和培訓,激勵他們在社區中奮力對抗失明。