雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年1月7日 · Want a little more than just a soak in hot water? Try an onsen theme park, where a whole world of water-related adventure awaits!

  2. 2018年7月26日 · Japan offers countless stunning beaches along its nearly 30,000 kilometers (over 18,000 mi) of coastline. Some are directly accessible by train from Tokyo, while others are surrounded by 1,000 kilometers (621 mi) of open sea!

  3. 2020年3月11日 · From diving, snorkeling and whale-watching to hiking and visiting historic sites, the Kerama Islands of Kerama-Shoto National Park really offer something for everyone.

  4. 2016年4月23日 · It's been said that for a true subculture fan (in Japanese, "maniac"), the power of one's love for one's obsession is deeper than the ocean. Onsen fan and critic Isamu Gunji dove right into that ocean, risking his naked life to bring us 14 unforgettable outdoor hot

  5. 2022年6月8日 · Probably the most famous aquarium in all Japan, Churaumi (which means "beautiful ocean" in the Okinawan dialect) opened at the Ocean Expo Park north of Naha amid slipping tourist numbers in 2002. Needless to say, the aquarium has been a great success

  6. 2018年11月9日 · flic.kr. We’ve carefully selected 10 onsen hot springs in the Tokyo metropolitan area just for you. Our guide includes traditional onsen great for day trips, cost-effective onsen and romantic onsen perfect for couples. We’ve even included some onsen hotels, the perfect escape from the craziness of Tokyo!

  7. 吳港巡遊. 地點:廣島縣吳市宝町4-44 呉中央桟橋ターミナル1階フロア. 開放時間:週二公休,其餘時間表請見官網. 票價:成人1,300日圓,小孩600日圓. 官網: http://kure-kansen.com/schedule-fare/ 鐵鯨博物館 (海上自衛隊吳史料館) 圖片來源:吳市役所 提供。 結束港口巡遊後,繼續我們的海軍故事之旅。 在吳市中心有個讓人很難忽略的超大地標,正是來此吳訪的目的地「海上自衛隊吳史料館 (鐵鯨博物館)」。 那台潛水艇,可是貨真價實的退役潛水艇! 真的很難不被它的雄壯所震撼。 博物館內免費參觀,介紹的並不是戰爭時的潛艦多麼雄壯威武,而是戰後對於海上魚雷的掃除等和平的貢獻;此外,也能實際走進潛水艇內,體驗那些在海下作業的水兵生活,是非常特別的體驗!

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