雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如何申請. 網上申請更快取回按金。 (只限同名退還) 網上申請. 你可以透過以下方式辦理退還按金手續,請預備以下所需文件: 所有按金收據正本; 註冊客戶的香港身分證或香港商業登記證副本(如適用); 如採用 「銀行自動入賬」 ,請提供你入賬銀行的戶口存摺副本(只需印有銀行戶口持有人名字和號碼的內頁)或銀行月結單副本。 如採用 「轉數快」 (取回港幣10,000 或以下的餘款),請提供你入賬戶口的副本(只需印有銀行戶口持有人名字和「轉數快」資料例如 : 手機號碼或電郵地址)。 如退回按金給第三者,則需填寫及遞交 退還按金申請表 (表格L) (PDF)。 如為已離世的註冊客戶辦理退還按金手續,請預備以下所需文件. 申請途徑. 如何辦理. 親身. 親臨 客戶服務中心. 電話. 致電 客戶服務熱線.

  2. If you have an online account, you can log in to complete the move out application in 4 easy steps: . 2. If you do not have an online account, you may apply via online form ; . 3. You may visit our customer service centres . Get an overview on the ways to apply for account closure or name transfer.

  3. Start electricity services for your new home. Get an overview of how we can help with your electricity needs. Moving into a new home in Kowloon or New Territories (e.g. Lantau, Cheung Chau)? We can help with your electricity needs: Electricity needs. Services. Name transfer (e.g. new property with electricity supply)

  4. 電錶的準確性及可靠性. 我們的電錶在安裝前都必須通過檢測。. 如你希望檢查你的電錶,你可以提交有關查詢或申請安排測試。. 了解更多關於賬單,繳費及用電價目的相關資訊。.

  5. Everything you need to know about your electricity bill. Check and pay your bills securely through our online services. As a residential customer, you should receive your bill about once every 2 months. In general, your bill is calculated according to our Residential Tariff rates.

  6. Understand the difference between outages and voltage dips. Learn which electrical installations customers are responsible for.

  7. Open account and name transfer. Customer can apply for electricity and name transfer at anytime, anywhere through one-stop online platform. You can easily complete your application in 3 steps, please click here to apply now. Please submit your application at least 2 days in advance.