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  1. 2022年6月13日 · Omicron亞型變異株BA.4及BA.5分別於今年1月及2月首次現蹤於南非。 根據研究顯示,這二株病毒株均有「傳染力較高」及「免疫逃脫」的特性,具有社區傳播的能力。 今年4月至5月期間,這兩株病毒已於南非引發第五波疫情,近期開始在歐美流行,7月6日更突破國門防線,正式入侵台灣,引發國人關注。 BA.4、BA.5的傳染力高嗎?...

  2. 2022年9月4日 · Omicron BA.4BA.5來襲不單止日本、新加坡、韓國、台灣等疫情快速升溫,而且根據衞生防護中心資料顯示,截至8月20日,衞生署公共衞生化驗服務處收到為本地個案作核實化驗的樣本中,與Omicron變異病毒株BA.2.12.1及BA.4/BA.5亞系(包括懷疑個案)有關的樣本(七天移動平均比例)分別佔約8.4%及28%。 閱讀全文. 274525次閱讀. Omicron 新冠疫苗 新冠病毒 新冠肺炎. Omicron BA.4、BA.5來襲! 自新冠疫情爆發以來,全球相繼出現Alpha、Beta、Gamma、Delta和Omicron新冠變異病毒株。 到底變種病毒Omicron亞型變種株BA.4、BA.5患者會出現甚麼病徵? 與BA.2 有何不同?

  3. 2022年8月17日 · 新冠病毒持續變異,奧密克戎變異株 BA.4 / BA.5 成為不少地區主導疫情的毒株,而疫苗效力的持久性和升級吸引了更多關注之際。. 英國政府8月15日 ...

    • What Are Ba.4 and Ba.5?
    • Why Are The Variants on The Rise Globally?
    • What Impact Will Ba.4 and Ba.5 Have on Society?
    • How Well Do Vaccines Work Against The Variants?
    • What Will Come Next?

    The two variants are more similar to BA.2 than to the BA.1 strain that kicked off most countries’ Omicron waves late last year. But BA.4 and BA.5 carry their own unique mutations, including changes called L452R and F486V in the viral spike protein that might tweak its ability to latch onto host cells and skirt some immune responses. A May preprint1...

    Variants’ transmission advantages can result from biological changes that speed infection, for instance, allowing the virus to infect more people, more quickly. But the rise of BA.4 and BA.5 seems to stem, instead, from their capacity to infect people who were immune to earlier forms of Omicron and other variants, says Christian Althaus, a computat...

    This, too, is likely to vary by country. Despite high case numbers, South Africa experienced only a small rise in hospitalizations and deaths during its BA.4 and BA.5 wave, says Waasila Jassat, a public-health specialist at the country’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases in Johannesburg. In a study that will soon be posted to the medRxiv...

    Lab studies consistently suggest that antibodies triggered by vaccination are less effective at blocking BA.4 and BA.5 than they are at blocking earlier Omicron strains, including BA.1 and BA.22–6. This could leave even vaccinated and boosted people vulnerable to multiple Omicron infections, scientists say. Even people with hybrid immunity, stemmin...

    That’s anybody’s guess. The parade of Omicron subvariants could continue, with new variants picking further holes in existing immunity. “Nobody can say BA.4/5 is the final variant. It is highly probable that additional Omicron variants will emerge,” says Kei Sato, a virologist at the University of Tokyo. Researchers have identified several spots on...

    • Ewen Callaway
  4. 2022年8月9日 · BA.4 and BA.5 were first detected in South Africa in January and February 2022, respectively. 1 They are offshoots of the omicron variant BA.2, though their additional mutations seem to have given them a transmission advantage. 2. What’s the difference between BA.4 and BA.5?

  5. 2022年8月8日 · 新增81例Omicron亞型變異株BA.4及BA.5確定病例,分別為9例本土個案及72例境外移入. 中央流行疫情指揮中心今 (8)日公布國內新增81例BA.4及BA.5確定病例,分別為9例本土個案及72例境外移入,另1例本土個案為今 (2022)年8月1日公布之北部 30多歲男性BA.5本土個案 ...

  6. 2022年7月11日 · 中央流行疫情指揮中心今 (11)日公布國內新增88例Omicron亞型變異株BA.4及BA.5確定病例分別為2例本土個案及86例境外移入。 截至目前國內累計檢出326例Omicron亞型變異株境外移入確定病例,其中BA.4 (48例)及BA.5 (278例);另累計4例本土確定病例,均為BA.5亞型。 指揮中心說明,今日新增2例 Omicron亞型變異株BA.5本土個案中,為1例男性 (以下稱案A)、1例女性 (以下稱案B),年齡分別為40多歲及50多歲,為今 (2022)年7月4日公布之邊境攔截 Omicron亞型變異株BA.5境外移入確定病例 (以下稱指標個案)相關之家庭群聚。 指標個案於6月24日自法國至新加坡轉機入境,案A及案B於同日至機場接送其返家居家檢疫。