雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年8月20日 · Kito Fujio, a freelance photographer, travels around Japan taking pictures of mini amusement parks situated above department stores. But recently he has taken a liking to Japan’s playgrounds, showing us that even these cheerful of places can take on a sudden eerie hue when captured at night with clever lighting and skilled photography.

  2. allabout-japan.com › enAll About Japan

    All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday! An Early Spring Spectacle: 10 Spots in and Around Tokyo for Plum Blossom Viewing Gardens Parks While ...

  3. 與世界上大多數民族的特色服裝一樣,在男女的設計上分得相當清楚,在這一篇日本文化入門講座,便要深入淺出的告訴大家男女和服的差異之處。. 雖然不少外國遊客入駐溫泉旅館,或是觀覽京都,金澤這些古都時,都曾有過和服試穿拍照留念的在地體驗,但 ...

  4. 日本寢台列車陸續停駛,而唯一仍在孤軍奮戰的,是由東京車站發車的「Sunrise瀨戶號」和「Sunrise出雲號」。. 傳統夜行列車多以象徵夜晚的藍色為基調,而Sunrise列車則是以米色和紅色為主,象徵光亮的黎明。. 列車車廂內部相當舒適,配置以私人包廂為主,符合 ...

  5. 夏季泡溫泉的好處除了能放鬆身心、疏通氣血循環、使毛細孔擴張散熱之作用外,也能讓肌膚光滑細嫩;體質偏寒怕冷、冬季經常手腳冰冷的人在夏季更要泡湯熱養生!小編蒐羅了日本各地夏季也非常適合泡湯的12處溫泉,一起來泡個湯消暑吧!

  6. 2021年11月18日 · Super Nintendo World is a state of the art theme park equipped with the newest ideas and technologies. It packs a punch! Guests will find interactive activities, walkthroughs, gift shops, a restaurant, snack stations, and two attractions.

  7. 2016年12月28日 · Very few male boxers attempt to gain international titles, and the Japanese champions aren't generally recognized around the world. 6. Auto Racing. Competitive auto racing has existed in Japan since the 1920s, but it wasn't until the Tamagawa Speedway was opened in 1936 that the sport had a permanent, dedicated track.