雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月17日 · 雖然,「please」和「kindly」的意思一樣,但兩者並不互通。簡單來説,「please」在任何情況下都可以使用,例如「please tell me the truth」「please call me when you are available」,「please keep quiet」。至於「kindly」這個字,表面上雖很有禮貌

  2. 2021年3月6日 · kindlyplease 的意思,兩字不必並用; kindly有不滿意味,例如:Kindly turn the radio down while I am working. (我在工作,請你把收音機調小聲一點)。 這一句的kindly是較強烈的要求。

  3. 2017年5月10日 · 其實 pleasekindly 兩者的作用是一樣的,重複使用不會更顯得有禮,反而會有點冗贅,所以這句其實可以有以下兩種寫法: Please reply to this email. Kindly reply to this email. 另外,提出請求的時候,一樣擇一就好,例如:

  4. 2024年3月28日 · Please” places the focus on the person from whom you’re requesting a favor, engaging them with a humble touch. Conversely, “kindly” introduces an element of expectation into the equation. While still polite, “kindly” suggests an anticipated action; it operates as a genteel imperative, directing without dictating.

  5. 2017年5月11日 · 在開始介紹前,先問大家:. Please reply to this email. Kindly reply to this email. 這兩者之間,有差別嗎?. 沒錯!. Please其實跟Kindly是一樣的意思呦!. 但其實想要有禮貌的提出要求,也可以多多運用以下句型:. I was wondering if you would be willing to….(我在想您是否願意 ...

  6. 2019年6月22日 · 發送電郵的目的,是通知對方某事項,「我想話你知 …… 」,然而將這廣東話直繹成港式英文“I want to tell you”,是很不禮貌的表達方法。 要符合商務交流禮儀,有請“would like”出場。 O I would like to inform you that… 我想告訴你 …… O I am delighted to tell you that…

  7. please kindly advise」和「Could you please offer some advice?」有什麼區別? 這兩種表達方式都是用於請求建議的,區別在於前者更直接和正式,呈現出一種較為禮貌的語氣;而後者則稍微委婉一些,適用於更加隨和的溝通場合。

  8. B1. in a kind way. 仁慈地;友好地. Stella has very kindly offered to help out with the food for the party. 斯特拉很友善,主動提出幫忙準備派對的食物。 old-fashioned formal. used when asking someone to do something, especially when you are annoyed with them but still want to be polite. (尤指惱怒時盡量表示禮貌)請,勞駕. You are kindly requested to leave the building. 請你離開這間房子。 習語.

  9. 2010年8月22日 · Both the adverbs are used in polite requests, and one of the meanings of kindly is please. In a sentence like "please kindly send me a copy of your paperwork," please and kindly are redundant. In a sentence like "will you kindly sign the enclosed copy of this

  10. KINDLY的意思解釋及翻譯:1. in a kind or generous way: 2. used in instructions to mean 'please', usually when you are…。了解更多。

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