雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 購買雨傘。雨天出門的首要之務,當然就是要先準備好雨傘。大部分的便利商店都以合理的價格(大約500~1,500日圓)販售透明塑膠傘。若想要購買適合當紀念品的 獨特傘具,建議可以到自由之丘的「Waterfront」、秋葉原附近的「東京noble」,以及馬喰町的「小宮商店」逛一逛。
    • 造訪澀谷對角線行人穿越道。您應該見過從上方拍攝「澀谷對角線行人穿越道」的雨中照片或影片吧?數百人撐著各種顏色的雨傘,朝著不同方向交錯前行的奇景,可說是東京的象徵,請務必體驗看看!
    • 在地下街購物。東京的大型地下購物空間大多數都與車站(澀谷站、新宿站、東京站)相連。其中,東京站一番街的「東京動漫人物街」販售《寶可夢》、《美少女戰士》等日本知名動漫遊戲的周邊商品,值得一探。
    • 參訪明治神宮。雨勢不大時,對小雨不會太在意的人,可以選擇前往東京各處的公園、神社或寺廟,邊散步邊懷想沉思。雨中的「明治神宮」是絕佳去處,若要享受神社的寧靜氣氛,建議在小雨的時候前往。
    • Get An Umbrella
    • Visit The Shibuya Scramble Crossing
    • Go Shopping Underground
    • Visit Meiji Jingu Shrine
    • Tokyo Skytree & Tokyo Tower
    • Museums
    • Indoor Sports
    • Indoor Theme Parks
    • Onsen
    • Covered Yokocho

    First things first: get an umbrella if you need one. Most convenience stores have a selection of clear plastic umbrellas at reasonable prices (between 500 and 1,500 yen). Looking to find a unique umbrellathat will make a great souvenir? Check out Waterfront in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo Noble near Akihabara, or Komiya Shoten in Bakurocho.

    You’ve probably seen overhead photos or videos of the Shibuya Scramble Crossingin the rain: hundreds of people with umbrellas of all colors crossing every which way. Experience an iconic Tokyo scene for yourself! The Shibuya Scramble Crossing is just outside the Hachiko Exit of JR Shibuya Station.

    Explore one of Tokyo’s big underground shopping areas, many of which are part of train stations (Shibuya Station, Shinjuku Station, Tokyo Station First Avenue). Tokyo Station First Avenue is home to Tokyo Character Street, where you can find merchandise for all sorts of famous Japanese characters, from Pokemon to Sailor Moon and more.

    If the rain isn’t coming down too hard, and you don’t mind being out in wet weather, you could enjoy a contemplative stroll through one of Japan’s many parks, shrines and temples. Meiji JinguShrine is a great option. There’s no better way to enjoy the serene atmosphere of the shrine grounds than in a light rain. If you’re lucky, the rain may even k...


    634 meters tall, the massive Skytreetowers above Tokyo's skyline. The Tembo Deck sits 350 meters high, and for an even higher vantage point, head to the Tembo Galleria at 450 meters. If you want an expansive view of Tokyo in the rain, this is a great spot. ©TOKYO-SKYTREE

    Tokyo Tower

    333-meter-high Tokyo Tower, which built in 1958, is still a landmark of Tokyo, as well as a symbol of Tokyo’s rebirth after World War II. ©TOKYO TOWER

    Located within some of the most notable architectural landmarks in the city, Tokyo’s must-see art destinations, which include the Mori Art Museum, the Nezu Museum, the Tokyo National Museum, and The National Art Center, Tokyo, play host to some of the hottest Japanese and international exhibitions. Two areas of Tokyo with museums and galleries that...

    If you want a bunch of sporty options, check about Round 1 in Odaiba, a giant complex with tennis, basketball, volleyball, baseball batting cages, swimming, rollerblading, and some arcade games to boot! The Bagus complex in Shibuya, meanwhile, has activities like table tennis, billiards and darts.

    If you want something on the cutting edge, the Tokyo Joypolis amusement park in Odaiba is a gamer’s paradise. Enjoy a huge range of exciting electronic entertainment you can only enjoy here. And they even have a roller coaster! Namjatown, Located in Ikebukuro's Sunshine City, is home to an eclectic collection of attractions, as well as a gyoza dump...

    Though numbers have dwindled in recent years, there are still many public baths to be found around city. Choose between a traditional, down-to-earth local sento (bathhouse) or opt for a more modern resort-style facility. Spa LaQuais a large spa/bathhouse near the Tokyo Dome. It features indoor baths, open-air baths, beauty treatments and massages, ...

    Yokochois Japanese for “alleyway,” but it has grown in meaning to refer to narrow streets lined with red lanterns and packed with izakayas and bars. Some of them, like Suzunari Yokocho in Shimokitazawa and Ebisu Yokocho , are covered or underground, offering a refuge from the rain where you can grab a drink and a bite!

  1. 2020年11月25日 · 6) 美术馆和博物馆. 来到东京,绝对不能错过森美术馆、根津美术馆、东京国立博物馆、国立新美术馆等艺术景点。. 这些设施拥有醒目的建筑外观,并时常举办日本国内外知名艺术家的特别展览。. 上野公园和六本木也设有很多博物馆和艺廊,让人逛一整天也不 ...

    • rain1
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  2. 2019年12月2日 · 冬季(12~2月). 12月的天氣大多與秋季相同,但到了1月就會變得寒冷。. 東京的氣溫鮮少降至0度以下,但幾乎落在1度至10度之間。. 冬季的日照時間較短,下午4點半左右天色就會變暗。. 另外,冬季有可能會下雪。. 1月、2月時穿著毛衣或大衣(羊毛大衣或輕量 ...

  3. 2 天前 · Rainy weather can affect any visit to Japan. There is a rainy season from early June to late July called tsuyu, and it could rain any time during this period. Umbrellas are the weapon of choice in the battle against precipitation, allowing Japanese folks to go about their ordinary routines without a wardrobe change. Folding umbrellas add an extra layer of convenience. With these three stores ...

  4. 2020年12月17日 · 第一次計畫到東京旅行的人,常會碰到一個最重要卻也是最單純的問題:什麼季節去東京最好?答案其實因人而異。客觀來說,春秋兩季的氣溫較為宜人,是最適合在東京四處玩樂的季節。不過,東京的四季各有各的美,或許您能找到最適合自己的季節。此外,也建議您在安排旅遊行程前,事先查詢 ...

  5. 2019年12月2日 · 全年气候温暖,8月平均最高气温为30度,2月也有22度。. 不过1月至3月期间有强风,此时最好带上外套。. 降水量较日本本岛少,但全年有雨,且时有台风影响。. 东京天气气候季节。. 东京旅游景点、美食、交通、购物、住宿、庆典活动、游玩指南尽在东京旅游 ...

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