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  1. With respect to availability of transportation, please note that schedules may be subject to change in the event of an emergency such as a disaster. Please refer to the information provided by the relevant business operators. In the event of an emergency such as a disaster, please check the website of the embassy of your country in Japan. The ...

  2. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel. Home In the event of an emergency Helpful Phrases The App “Safety tips”

  3. 下載 JNTO 官方旅行 App,提供您公共交通運輸搜尋、導航、地圖、離線功能,旅遊提示、重大災難資訊和其他實用的用途和資訊。

  4. 安全小助手(Safety tips)应用 面向外国游客,在灾害时提供帮助的应用(观光厅监修) 安全小助手(Safety tips)是面向外国游客,通过推送功能提供警报信息的应用。 本软件通过推送功能,以英语、日语、韩语、中文(繁体、简体)、越南语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、泰语、印度尼西亚语、塔加路语 ...

  5. Safety tips for travelers. 本網站提供各種資訊,. 協助保障訪日外國人旅客的旅途安全。. 首頁. 在發生緊急狀況時. 災害應急會話. 應用程式. 「Safety tips」. 首頁 > 在發生緊急狀況時.

  6. Safety tips 」 首頁 >災害應急會話 災害應急會話 災害發生之際、與周圍日本人溝通時可用的例句。 災害發生時 Download 詢問現在位置的安全性 Download 疏散後(1 ...

  7. Airline. Choose your airline. -Please note that transport services including train service may be disrupted in case of a disaster such as an earthquake. -For service information about code-share flights, please check the website of the airline actually operating the flight.