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  1. 主頁|最重視開價質素發行人|法興認股證牛熊證

  2. 2 天前 · UBS瑞銀認股證(窩輪) | 牛熊證

  3. 法興提供改良版、快速版智能認股證 (窩輪)搜尋器,投資者可以透過發行人、相關資產及認購/認沽,三項簡單的選項,快速篩選出目標窩輪的資料。.

  4. warrant noun (DOCUMENT) [ C ] an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action. (由法官或官員簽署的)搜查令,逮捕狀,令狀. a search warrant 搜查令.

  5. warrant noun (DOCUMENT) [ C ] an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action. (由法官或官员签署的)搜查令,逮捕状,令状. a search warrant 搜查令.

  6. 此內容來自我們在所示日期時認為可靠之來源,且均以真誠提供。然而,Macquarie Capital Limited (CE No. AAC 534)(「 MCL 」)不作陳述,亦不保證此內容在任何用途上均完整、可靠、準確、合時或適合,亦不為資料的準確程度、完整性及合時性負上責任。

  7. an official document, signed by a judge or other person in authority, that gives the police permission to search someone's home, arrest a person, or take some other action. (由法官或官員簽署的)搜查令,逮捕狀,令狀. a search warrant搜查令. Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.拉裡瓦 ...

  8. 1. 授權;批准 [U] He had no warrant for his action. 他無權那麼做。. 2. 【律】授權令;逮捕狀;搜查令 [C] The police must obtain a warrant from a judge in order to search a house. 警察必須從法官處取得搜查令才可搜查房子。. 3. (正當)理由,根據 [U]...

  9. 標準權證 (「標準權證」)及/或可收回牛熊證 (「牛熊證」) 為涉及衍生工具的無抵押品的結構性產品 (「結構性產品」)及屬複雜產品,投資者務須就此審慎行事。. 除非閣下完全了解及願意承擔所涉風險,否則切勿投資此產品。. 結構性產品價格可急升可急跌 ...

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