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  2. 穩定充足的熱水供應,讓您和家人盡情享受舒適暢快的沐浴體驗!了解更多星級優惠!


  1. 基督教結婚誓詞. 基督教的儀式跟天主教大致相同,新人完成由牧師主持的婚約問答後,便互相交換誓約。 第一種: 「在上帝以及今天來到這裡的眾位見證人面前,我(新郎/新娘全名)願意以你(新娘/新郎全名)作為我的妻子/丈夫。

  2. 2019年11月20日 · What are Foil Stamping and Silk Screen Printing Gold? Gold foil stamping is a technique that uses heat, pressure and die to attach a golden layer onto the printed papers. It is applied after printing process. Silk Screen Printing Gold makes use of a silk mesh to transfer metallic gold ink, which contains small metallic particles, onto papers.

  3. 2004年初,香港政府開始重建計劃,但引起了不少市民反對,他們認為喜帖街具濃厚歷史價值,應要保留。. 可惜的是,政府於2005年11月5日開始回收利東街的業權,及於2006年10月底一統所有業權,還在短期內「清場」、清拆及開始招標工作。. 到了2010年2月25日 ...

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  4. 2019年11月20日 · UV coating is a high gloss layer applied post printing. It is clear and visually appealing, making the printed products even more eye-catching. Apart from the aesthetic appeal, UV coating also provides superior protection from tear and wear, water and chemical. The application of UV coating is therefore getting increasingly popular.

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  6. Wedding Card can be printed with three paper types – Off-white Textured Card, Matte Card and Luxury Pearl Card. Off-white Textured Card is natural and simple; Matte Card is aesthetic but functional; Luxury Pearl Card is elegant and decent. Choose one that shows your style.

  7. Visit JoinPrint store to pick up your order for free. Address: JoinPrint - 1/F, 40 Hung to Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Pickup Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm; Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm; Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed. Delivery Charge Table.