雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如果雇员患病是由于在订期间内从事某类工作,并因该工作性质而引致患上指定的职业病,该病便是可获补偿的职业病。《雇员补偿条例》涵盖46项职业病,如欲阅览这些职业病项目,请参阅该条例的附表二 职业病类别。

  2. Taking care of a mentally incapacitated person: Guardianship or Committee Guardianship – When to appoint a Guardian? The power to appoint a guardian to take care of a mentally incapacitated person rests with the Guardianship Board, which is a quasi-judicial ...

  3. Smart elderly. Criminal offences commonly committed by elderly people. Unlawful gambling. Gambling establishments must have a licence to operate in Hong Kong. Gambling, such as playing mahjong, in any unlicensed establishment is unlawful under section 6 of the Gambling Ordinance, Cap. 148. What type of punishment is given for gambling unlawfully?

  4. 雇佣关系:因工受伤 工伤补偿保险 不论雇员是否全职或兼职工作(包括兼职家庭佣工及暑期工等),有关雇主均须根据《雇员补偿条例》第40条的规定,为雇员购买及持有有效的工伤补偿保险单。 任何未有购买有效工伤补偿保险的雇主会被检控,一经定罪,最高可被罚款港币10万元及入狱两年。

  5. 身后事的安排 骨灰撒海 公众可选择在把骨灰撒放在本港三个指定海域内,即塔门以东、东龙洲以东或西博寮海峡以南。 食环署在每星期六上午会安排免费渡船从西湾河公众码头出发,前往东龙洲以东海域让市民进行撒灰仪式。

  6. Employment: Work-related injuries Work-related accidents causing disability In general, the nature of the disability is classified into (1) permanent incapacity or (2) temporary incapacity. Compensation in cases of permanent total incapacity is as follows (section 7 of the Employees' Compensation Ordinance):

  7. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.

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