雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 建築科技及結構. 安全及工藝實習. 建築屋宇設備. 基礎職場英文傳意:高效口語溝通. 全人發展 - 心智轉換:實踐個人成長與效能. 資訊科技精要 - 設計. 第二學期 :. 全人發展 - 合作、團隊與社會參與. 建築歴史(乙).

  2. 学士学位课程考虑相关应用学习科目的成绩。. 相关应用学习科目包括∶公关与广告、国际商贸市场拓展、多媒体科艺、项目策划及运作、形象设计、应用商业研究、室内设计、电脑游戏及动画设计、金融市场及运作、时装及形象设计、由戏开始 • 剧艺纵横 ...

  3. 本課程著重傢俱及時尚產品的設計,引導學生探索當代設計大師的經典作品,並對古今國際傢俱及時尚產品潮流作深入認識。. 學生的設計習作主要圍繞室內空間、時尚生活風格、傢俱及時尚設計用品的配合。. 本課程亦著重通識教育、語文及傳意訓練、全人發展 ...

  4. The programme aims to provide students with hands-on experience in property management and professional knowledge for the real estate business. Through workplace learning and assessment scheme, students are ready to work and develop their career in the real estate industry. Professional Recognition.

  5. Professional Recognition. The programme is widely accepted by the construction industry. It is also accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (HKIBIM) and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM) as a required academic qualification for their Associate Membership.

  6. The programme aims primarily at students who have completed their secondary school education and expect to take up specialist spatial and environmental design studies.

  7. Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6 points; 5=5 points; 4=4 points; 3=3 points; 2=2 points; 1=1 point) Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses.