雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月15日 · 《中英聯合聲明》的核心要義是中國恢復對香港行使主權,沒有賦予英國干預回歸後香港事務的權利。 英國對回歸後的香港無主權、無治權,也無監督權。 英國重施故技,罔顧事實,對香港特區各方面情況發表以政治凌駕法治、顛倒黑白的謬論,公然干涉屬中國內政的香港事務,妄圖破壞香港繁榮穩定,注定徒勞無功。 發言人重申:「特區政府堅決維護國家主權、安全和發展利益,全面準確貫徹『一國兩制』方針的最高原則。 特區政府堅定不移全面準確實施《香港國安法》、《維護國家安全條例》及香港特區其他維護國家安全的相關法律,依法有效防範、制止和懲治危害國家安全的行為和活動,同時維持普通法制度、堅持法治原則、依法保障香港市民的權利和自由,確保『一國兩制』實踐行穩致遠。

  2. 2021年12月20日 · The publication of the white paper upon the successful completion of the first general election of the Legislative Council under the improved electoral system serves to pre-emptively address the major issue of Hong Kong's democratic development, leaving no room for slandering by external forces.

  3. 2024年4月16日 · A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said, "The HKSAR Government strongly condemns and rejects the wanton slander and political attacks in the UK's so-called six-monthly report where the 'one country, two systems' principle is successfully implemented. The HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, and as a local ...

  4. The 2000 elections on September 10 attracted 155 candidates and a voter turnout of 1.33 million, or 43.6% of all registered voters. Issues dominating both elections mainly concerned the economy, housing, unemployment, the environment and how

  5. 2022年10月12日 · Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (BritCham) Hong Kong Summit today (October 12): Dr Kerr (Chair of BritCham, Dr Anne Kerr), Mr Burnett (former Chair of BritCham Mr Peter

  6. 2021年12月20日 · On the basis of historical facts, the white paper clearly points out that there was no democracy in Hong Kong under British colonial rule, and that the British Government rushed through electoral reform in Hong Kong in the very short remaining period of colonial rule with obvious ulterior motives to undermine China's resumption of exercise of so...

  7. 2021年12月20日 · 完. 2021年12月20日(星期一) 香港時間11時08分. 二 二一年立法會換屆選舉全部結果如下: 地方選區:香港島東 編號 候選人 所得票數 ...

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