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  1. 1 EUR =

    8.507 HKD

  2. The Euro on the momentum indicators showed a bit overdone, but at the same time, the broader term levels indicate that this currency is headed significantly lower. As the dollar is forced higher, this will impact the US economy and turn that down as well from 2015.75.

  3. 2017年4月3日 · The rise in the Euro from 80 cents to $1.60 was seen as bullish for Europe because it was defeating the dollar. In reality, the US economy expanded, European products became too expensive, and many European companies began to open up plants in the US.

  4. 2011年8月21日 · Euro – destined to Fail? When we look at the structure of the Euro, it becomes clear that the design was flawed from the outset because of a failure to understand what MONEY really is. The driving force was trying to beat the USA and to regain former glories.

  5. 2016年5月16日 · The survivability of the euro has now crossed the point of no return. A daily closing in the cash euro back below 11215 will warn that the high of May could stand as the end of the reaction from the March 2015 low. A monthly closing back below 10520 level would signal that the collapse is underway.

  6. Europe must break the cord with socialism and adopt a true free market system. EMU is the last attempt to hold onto a system that has made Europe the worst economic growth center in the western world. Its unemployment on a good day is double that of the US on a bad day.

  7. 2018年3月28日 · The peak of the first 8.6-year wave into this new cycle for Europe came 2013.13 and then the low was 2017.43. We are now in a wave due to peak in 2021.73 and by that turning point, we will see the Euro under tremendous pressure if it can even survive. There is

  8. 2016年2月17日 · The euro crisis appears to be unfolding right on target rather amazingly. Our target was published in “The Rise and Fall of the Euro” back in 2011. The target for the collapse in confidence was 2016.202. This comes into play March 13/14, 2016.

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