雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Water leakage is a common type of nuisance in Hong Kong’s multi-storey buildings. Water leakage not only causes annoyance and inconvenience to the affected owners and occupiers, but it may also cause damage to the structure of the building. Property owners should pay attention to whether there is water leakage from or to their flat. A.

  2. In respect of statutory orders issued by government authorities, it is almost invariable that the landlord, as the registered owner of the property, will be responsible for carrying out repairs or maintenance. A tenant who receives such an order should duly inform the

  3. 1. My tenant has failed to pay rent for two months. What can I do to recover the rent and the possession of my property? If a tenant fails to pay rent, then the following measures are usually available to the landlord. a. Action for the recovery of outstanding rent.

  4. A domestic animal is one that by habit or training normally resides with humans. It is an offence to keep certain wild animals that are protected under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance ( Cap. 170 of the Laws of Hong Kong) or the Protection of Endangered Species and Plants Ordinance, ( Cap. 586) which gives effect to the CITES treaty (The ...

  5. 離婚的先決條件. 閣下如自行向法庭申請離婚,必須填寫離婚呈請書,並親身交回香港港灣道12號灣仔政府大樓閣樓M2層家事法庭登記處。 如閣下和配偶同意共同向法庭申請離婚,便應填寫共同申請書,並交往上述家事法庭登記處。 A. 我是否需要律師? 向法庭提交離婚呈請書或共同申請書便會啟動法律程序,因此,事先尋求法律意見將會較為穩妥。 在下列情況下,閣下尤其需要代表律師: 閣下的配偶不同意離婚; 閣下與配偶無法就子女或財務事項達成協議。 香港律師會每年均會出版法律界名錄,其中包括處理婚姻訴訟的律師行目錄。 閣下可於民政事務處各區諮詢服務中心,公共圖書館或香港律師會辦事處查閱該名錄。 B. 在離婚或婚姻訴訟中,如我無法負擔聘請代表律師的費用,我可以怎辦? 申請免費或資助的法律支援服務.

  6. 2015年8月27日


  7. It is the police’s duty, not yours, to conduct investigation on any suspicious case. An alternative is that you may try to gather more evidence, for example by installing a camera inside your home and taking the right footage, before reporting the case to the police.

  8. My wife wants to apply for divorce and she plans to take our only daughter out of Hong Kong during the waiting period. Can I stop her? A. What are the grounds for divorce? Must I explain why I want a divorce? In law, there is in fact only one ground for presenting

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