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    全新unity3D引擎渲染.2024好玩仙俠3D網頁遊戲,採用全新輕端技術,快捷註冊10秒加載主程式開戰. 遠征半神級修仙師國度.動態仙術大世界,究極進化霸神都,熱血PK至強神

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    系統自帶電商、內容管理、數據分析、社媒訂閱、免費網域、SEO優化等功能,支援自訂網域。 系統自帶商店、內容管理、社媒管理、免費網域、SEO優化、應用集成等功能,支援自訂網域。


  1. www.clp.com.hk › earn-eco-points-rewards › eco-fun-mini-game「綠加Fun」小遊戲 - CLP

    為帶給你嶄新的互動體驗並呼籲大家每日一齊慳電儲分,我們特別推出全新小遊戲「綠加Fun」! 透過這遊戲,你可以: 賺取度度分換取獎賞; 及. 加深對節能生活、社區關懷及環境保護的認識。 獎賞* 連續參與18日便可升級,種植其他農作物,更可賺高達 250 度度分 。 *參加者必須使用中電有效的住宅客戶號碼登入,並已連接中電賬戶及度度賞賬戶方可獲發度度分,若中電賬戶已終止則不獲發任何積分。 如何賺取度度分. 1. 登入中電流動應用程式. 2. 點擊 “ 綠加Fun ” 3. 完成節能測驗及任務,每日最多可獲取11度度分. 度度分的獲得方式. 遊戲界面中顯示的度度分僅適用於本遊戲,而於本遊戲所獲取的度度分會即時存入相應的的度度賞賬戶中。 更多資訊. 請參閱 條款及細則 。

  2. www.clp.com.hk › earn-eco-points-rewards › eco-fun-mini-gameEco Fun mini game - CLP

    To call on your support to save energy, we launched a mini game called Eco Fun! Through this mini game, you can: Earn Domeo points to redeem fabulous rewards; and Gain more knowledge on energy saving, community care and environmental protection.

  3. www.clp.com.hk › zh › education-developmentCLP TomorroVerse

    第一步:進入CLP TomorroVerse 網站,點擊“Sign in to play”. 第二步:登入或創建The Sandbox帳號. 第三步:點擊 “Play”. 第四步:依照指示安裝The Sandbox Game Client (如之前未曾安裝) 第五步:盡情探索CLP TomorroVerse吧!. 備註: *The Sandbox可能不定時會有版本更新。. 如果以上 ...

  4. www.clp.com.hk › en › clp-mobile-appCLP eService

    To bring you an interactive experience and to call on your support to save energy, CLP has launched an online mini game called Eco Fun. You can grow virtual plants to raise awareness about energy saving and help create a more caring society.

  5. 2024年4月24日 · Eco Fun mini game Learn how to deepen your understanding of energy-saving and community care through our "Eco Fun" mini game, earn up to 250 Domeo points!

  6. www.clp.com.hk › en › education-developmentPower Kid Mobile App - CLP

    Play the online board game “Light up the City”. Library. Read the stories or listen to the stories with audible storybooks. Download exciting games to play with your kids. Animation zone. Watch 3D cartoons under the Power Kid Channel series and Exploring the Power Journey videos. Download the Power Kid Mobile App.

  7. As a Power Connect member, you can earn Domeo Points by saving energy, adopting eServices and taking part in different campaigns. Unlock ways to earn Domeo points* below and let your journey of boundless rewards redemption begin.

  1. Online Game 相關

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