雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 消費者資訊專區. 本頁提供的自願醫保認可產品之產品和保費資料為最新版本,適用於新保單或在這版本生效日期後續保之保單。 如你現有之保單在較早前生效而尚未續保至最新版本,你可按你購買的保險產品名稱下的「過往版本」鍵查閱適用之產品及保費資料。 為易於識別如產品資料經已修訂自願醫保認可產品的認可編號最後兩個數字會由01改為02如此類推。 如有疑問,你可查閱保單資料頁或續保通知書上所示的相關資料,或向你的保險公司、代理/經紀查詢。 認可靈活計劃名稱. 生效日期. 認可編號及計劃資訊. 其他資料.

  2. www.vhis.gov.hk › doc › tcVHIS Booklet CHI

    VHIS Booklet CHI

  3. www.vhis.gov.hk › doc › certifiedplan自願醫保計劃

    The premium amounts are calculated based on the Age of the Insured Person at the time of application and above premium rates. Renewal premium will be determined according to the Age of the Insured Person, the Deductible option and the premium rates then in effect. The premium rates are not guaranteed. You may also consult your insurance intermediary for the then prevailing premium rates. For ...

  4. In any event, the search results generated from any search conducted on this search webpage do not imply any recommendation by the Health Bureau of any particular insurance plan (including any of its product features) or insurance company to any person, and should not be construed as an invitation or inducement to anyone to subscribe any particular insurance plan issued by any particular ...

  5. The Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112) gives effect to a new concessionary tax deduction under salaries tax and personal assessment to individuals who purchase Certified Plans for themselves or their specified relatives under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme ("VHIS") since 1 April 2019.

  6. www.vhis.gov.hk › doc › tcwww.vhis.gov.hk


  7. 近日有骗徒假冒自愿医保计划办事处发出欺诈钓鱼短讯,诱使市民点击短讯内附恶意连结,进入预设伪冒网站。 市民需留意,本办事处不会透过短讯要求市民点击任何网址连结,或于自愿医保计划网站内输入足以辨识使用者身分的资料。 我们提醒市民时刻保持警惕,切勿随意点击可疑短讯、电邮或网页内的超连结和输入足以辨识身分的资料。 如有怀疑,可致电本办事处查询热线:2529 8900或电邮至vhis_enquiry@healthbureau.gov.hk查询。 医务卫生局. 自愿医保计划办事处. 了解更多. 立即体验了解更多. 税务扣除. 自2019年4月1日起,《税务条例》(第112 章)在薪俸税及个人入息课税方面,新设一项特惠税务扣除。

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