雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Taking care of a mentally incapacitated person: Guardianship or Committee Guardianship – When to appoint a Guardian? The power to appoint a guardian to take care of a mentally incapacitated person rests with the Guardianship Board, which is a quasi-judicial ...

  2. 订立遗嘱及遗产分配 您的遗产谁负责管理与分发? 阁下百年归老后,财产会由阁下的遗产代理人代理,直至完成管理及分发工作。一般而言,代理人要先往高等法院遗产承办处,取得有关授予文件,方可名正言顺处理阁下的财产。

  3. 身後事的安排 骨灰安置所(靈灰安置所) 把骨灰安置於骨灰龕位,是在香港最普及的方式。 公眾骨灰安置所 食環署轄下有八個公眾骨灰安置所。食環署的網頁已列出可供申請之骨灰龕。 食環署的骨灰安置所有兩類骨灰龕可供選擇: 普通骨灰龕——可安放兩個有近親關係的先人靈灰

  4. 医疗保单可赔偿投保人因患病或意外而引致的医疗开支,受范围通常可分为两大类: “门诊计划”的保障范围包括注册医生或专科医生的诊症及药物费用、长期药物治疗和化验等费用。

  5. Employment: Holiday/leave Sick leave and sickness allowance Employees can accumulate paid sickness days after having been employed under continuous contracts. Paid sickness days are accumulated at the rate of two paid sickness days for each completed ...

  6. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.

  7. 安老院舍护理 《安老院条例》及相关附属法例 《安老院条例》(香港法例第459章)于1996年6月1日起生效。此条例及其附属法例-《安老院规例》(香港法例第459A章)及《安老院(上诉委员会)规例》(香港法例第459B章),旨在确保留宿于安老院舍的长者所得的服务达至可接受的水平,满足他们在 ...

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