雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Opening Hours. Monday to Saturday : 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Sunday & public holiday : 12:30 PM – 7:30 PM. +852-6165 7595.

    • How Are Lab-Created Diamonds Made?
    • Lab Grown Diamond Benefits
    • What Colors Are available?

    Each laboratory-created diamond is grown by placing a diamond ‘seed’ into a chamber of heat and pressure. This chamber mimics the natural growing process. Crystallization occurs allowing the lab-grown diamond to mature within six to ten weeks. It is then cut, polished and graded by the same world-renowned labs that certify earth-mined diamonds. The...


    Our collection of lab-created diamonds are available up to IF in clarity, D in color, Ideal in cut, and up to 10 carats in size. They come in a variety of shapesincluding round, rose, emerald, cushion, oval, oval rose, heart, princess, trillion, and radiant. Colors include white, yellow, blue, pink, and green.


    Unlike other retailers, every Rooselle Jewelry lab-created diamond is Type IIa, the purest form of diamond. They are harder and more brilliant than Type Ia diamonds. Only 2% of earth-mined diamonds are of this quality. Furthermore, each diamond is graded and certified by the same leading independent gemological labs that are used to grade earth-mined diamonds.


    Lab-created diamonds cost up-to 40% less than their mined diamond equivalents. Buyers beware: keep an eye out for "grown diamonds" sold for a few hundred dollars per carat. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Only diamond simulantsfall in this price range.


    A pure carbon diamond with no impurities will grade as a colorless diamond. However, the majority of both mined and lab-created diamonds contain impurities, most of which are nitrogen. The nitrogen atoms within the diamond lattice create the yellow tint. In cases of fancy colored diamonds, a pure yellow color is created. Nearly all diamonds, both mined and lab-created, start out as yellow diamonds. Over the span of millions of years and exposure to pressure and heat, mined diamonds split the...


    Roselle Jewelry’s yellow lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to yellow earth-mined diamonds, but are offered free of conflict and on average 10% of the cost. They are available in a color range from fancy yellow to fancy vivid yellow, in sizes up to 2.0 carats and a variety of shapes. Both mined and lab-created yellow diamonds get their color from nitrogen. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of th...


    Blue lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to blue earth-mined diamonds and are offered free of conflict and about 10% of the cost. They are typically offered in sizes smaller than 1.50 carats and come in a color range of fancy light blue to fancy intense blue. Both mined and lab-created blue diamonds get their color from boron. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of these impurities, in this case bo...

  2. Roselle Jewelry將鑽石替代技術提升到了一個全新的高度。 RZ®人造鑽石由非貴重的核心組成,其中註入了增強型實驗室製造的鑽石,使我們的混合石材的硬度幾乎是蘇聯石 (高碳鑽)的兩倍,這是一種天然無法解讀的光彩和輕盈的遊戲。 鑽石和不粘,無孔的表面,可以很好地排斥污垢和污垢。 最終結果是鑽石模擬物比蘇聯石(高碳鑽)更加輝煌,耐用和鑽石。 點擊這裡查看Instagram帖子,比較人造鑽石和蘇聯石 (高碳鑽)。 RZ®人造鑽石 vs. 莫桑石. 莫桑石在20世紀90年代後期作為鑽石替代品進入珠寶界。 合成莫桑石與天然鑽石有一些相似之處,在莫氏尺度上非常硬,但一直被認為是低等級的I級顏色和雙折射率。 在其他優質人造鑽石技術進入市場之前,莫桑石未能超越其前身蘇聯石(高碳鑽)。

  3. 2022年5月30日 · 購入補正婚戒指、結婚戒指または日常尖石可能會很激貴、壓力很大,そして會帶來很多不確定性,因為讓我們面對現實吧,你不是寶石學家。 您將有一百萬零一個問題要問、這沒關係。 一般人對ブルゾン石知之甚少。 您將面臨的最緊迫的問題之一是購買天然來源的獲得石還是購買實驗室培養的 ...

  4. 2022年5月30日 · 第一種方法基本上模擬瞭如何使用高壓和高溫在地殼深處製造鑽石。 這種方法稱為 HTHP。 第二種稱為化學氣相沉積或 CVD 的方法涉及“將富含碳的氣體(如甲烷)的分子分解成碳和氫原子,然後將它們沉積在金剛石晶種上,以產生方形的板狀金剛石晶體 ”根據 GIA 官方教育網站。 與在地表深處需要數十億年才能形成的天然鑽石相比,實驗室製造的鑽石可能需要一個月左右的時間就能製成。

  5. 主頁 扭轉側石實驗室培育鑽石訂婚戒指 [淨戒托] - LGR058S. 創建你的戒指. 1 選擇您的設定. 2 選擇您的鑽石. 3 完成您的戒指. 返回搜尋.

  6. 2019年10月26日 · 10分鐘讓你全面了解akoya天女珍珠(附珍珠賣家騙術揭露) – Roselle Jewelry. October 26, 2019. In News 0 comments. 近年來日本akoya珍珠風靡全國,無論網店還是實體店的珍珠消費者,無一不愛日本akoya珍珠。 akoya珍珠因其靚麗的光澤,豐富的色彩,素有“小燈泡”的美譽,代表了東方女性之美。 作為當今珍珠資深玩家的“標配”,絕大多數消費者一定擁有一條“天女”,或者準備入手一條“天女”。 什麼是“天女”? 作為akoya珍珠中高品質的代表,“天女”一詞可謂無人不知。 不過您真的了解“天女”嗎? 日本真珠綜合研究所和GIA的珠寶應用鑑定師Yoko來為您解答“天女”的各個方面。 天女項鏈. 關於天女,您需要了解的.