雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Our platform connects you with roles that not only enhance your professional trajectory but also align with your vision of making a tangible impact. If you’re looking to recruit a team of like-minded innovators or seeking a company that champions your unique skills, HKGoodJobs is your partner in navigating the dynamic landscape of recruitment ...

  2. You find the Right Job? 長期在一個工作環境下待久了,人自然開始覺得悶,開始思考這是否合適自己的工作。 你是否在做對的工作? 以下10大特徵話你知:You find the Right Job! 1. 上班精神煥發. 上班需要早起,要是你工作時精神抖擻,甚少感到空虛疲倦,還有興奮的感覺的話,那你一定要好好珍惜這份工作喇! 2. 期待解決待完成的工作. 每個人工作都有一張「待辦事項」的清單,每完成一件,都往完成大事走近一步。 熱愛工作的你,一定會提早清清楚楚地列出明天的待辦事項! 3. 時日如飛. 時間以恆常的速度轉變,感覺它過得快了還是慢了,其實都是人們的心理因素。 埋首工作的人總是覺得時間過得特別快;時間過得快,不好嗎?

  3. 活動詳情. 地點:香港金鐘金鐘道95號統一中心5樓. 語言:分享 - 粵語(即時傳譯:粵語轉英語)/ 對話與問答 - 粵語、英語與國語. 報名 : https://incu-lab.org/event/engagementevening/. HKGoodJobs 為是次活動支持機構. 相關活動:. 【熱點新態勢】基層和中產的居住安排及 ...

  4. 【創科新思維】諾亞推出3D空間音訊的通話技術 為未來通訊帶來創新方向 【求職新志向】大眾財務注重與客戶溝通 招聘「客戶服務主任」提供優良服務 【管理哲學】情緒不穩影響記憶力 大腦處理資訊更為混亂-CoolJobzHRM 人才資源管理軟件

  5. Public Finance Limited (formerly known as "JCG Finance Company, Limited") ("Public Finance" or the "Company") was incorporated in October, 1977. ... - To be responsible for development, enhancement and maintenance if our internal applications - To prepare

  6. All Jobs. Our comprehensive list of job posts encompasses opportunities across all industries and sectors in Hong Kong. Our platform serves as your one-stop destination for exploring employment prospects.

  7. Public Finance Limited (formerly known as "JCG Finance Company, Limited") ("Public Finance" or the "Company") was incorporated in October, 1977. It is one of the largest financial institutions in Hong Kong with a total of 44 branches located in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories. Public Finance is a deposit-taking company under ...