雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 升學率的英文怎麼說? 華人英文通的講法: proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate. 老美的講法:exam success rate. 實用例句: 台南一中有令人羨慕的升學率。 Tainan First Middle School has an enviable exam success rate. 50. 3 comments. 10 shares. Like. Comment. Most relevant. Jeffrey Hong. 校友表示引以為傲… 4y. 道地學英文 Learning English American Way replied. ·. 1 Reply.

  2. 「小學升學率的英文 1. promotion rate of primary school graduates 「小學升初中的升學率的英文 1. transition rateto secondary education 「升學」的英文 1. enter a higher school 2. go to a school of a higher grade 「升學考試」的英文 ...

  3. 在英语中翻译"升学率" 名词. 形容词 / 分词. enrollment rate. advancement. survival rate. success rates. admitted. transition rate. promotion rate. 显示更多. 学校应贯彻落实国家的教育方针,端正办学方向,防止片面追求升学率。 The school should carry out the national education policy, correct direction of running, prevent one-sided pursuit of enrollment rate. 心理咨询,辅导,面试措施等,ECC是做高升学率的支持。

  4. 升学率/升學率 [Pinyin] shēng xué lǜ [English meaning] enrolment rate [Synonym] 利率,死亡率,发病率.

  5. translate.google.com.twGoogle 翻譯

    翻譯. Google 提供服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言文字、詞組和網頁。.

  6. 如標題所示,「錄取」最常見的兩個說法就是 admit accept, 大多數時候用於表達錄取「大專院校」的意思。 ⚠️特別要注意的是,用這兩個字表達錄取的時候,切記要用「被動」的型態。 After getting refused by most of the schools she applied to, Helen finally got admitted to a community college. 被大多數她申請的學校拒絕後,Helen 終於被一間社區大學錄取。 We’re all very proud of you for getting accepted by Princeton. 我們全都為你被普林斯頓錄取感到驕傲。

  7. 這句其實是挺難翻,這已經是最佳翻譯啦。😅 英文裡面沒有跟這個相對應詞彙耶。多數是 : school system educational system 😂