雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 歡迎使用渣打優先理財全球銀行服務. 藉由渣打遍布國際之業務網絡,輕鬆管理您的財務. 外派人員銀行服務. 不論您身在何處,我們提供的整體金融服務方案會讓您有賓至如歸的親切感受. 瞭解詳情. 國際轉帳與支付服務. 簡易、快速、安全地自全球渣打據點匯出或收受資金. 瞭解詳情. 跨國房屋貸款服務. 無須出門,也能針對指定物業申辦融資與再融資. 瞭解詳情. 提供眾多投資產品,協助您實現多元分散,布局全球. 瞭解詳情. 讓孩子的境外留學之路無後顧之憂. 瞭解詳情. 選擇本行全球銀行業務的理由. 您與全球市場的緊密連結,與您的全球資金運籌能力同等重要。 本行的經營據點遍及世界各地,最能為您掌握最佳的全球機會. 化繁為簡,輕鬆駕馭複雜的全球金融活動。 有效管理您在亞洲、非洲和中東地區的銀行往來。

  2. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  3. Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Service (EBPP) enables Standard Chartered Online Banking customers to register, receive, view and pay bills anytime and anywhere via the Bank’s internet banking, achieving a more effective management of all bills and payments without any geographical constraints. Back to top.

  4. Credit Card Bills Payment. Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App gives you the convenience & flexibility of checking & paying credit card bills at anytime you want. Standard Chartered Digital Banking and Automated Banking provides 24-hour banking services to take care of your financial needs, like cheque deposit and more.

  5. Pay and receive money from friends. Receive money from other local banks by registering your Standard Chartered bank account as default to receive money, and pay instantly to other local banks with mobile number, email address or account number. SC Pay (FPS) Local Account Fund Transfer. Add Money.

  6. Standard Chartered SME Banking's Straight2Bank online banking service offers a customisable suite of user-friendly tools for cash management, local and international payments, trade and payroll transactions and foreign exchange transactions and more.

  7. 2022年8月3日 · After registration of “Username” and “Password”, you can login to “Credit Card Online” or “Standard Chartered Online Banking”, to see your credit card details such as transaction history, payment due date, amount and 360° Reward Points, subscribe for/view your credit card eStatements and set up SMS alerts. If you need to access ...

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